
标题: Elizabeth Guo 哈佛学院 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-3-15 14:11
标题: Elizabeth Guo 哈佛学院
来自普莱诺的Elizabeth Guo是哈佛学院的大四学生,主修物理学。伊丽莎白的本科研究探讨了科学和法律的交叉点。作为一名实习生,她在美国商务部,伊丽莎白的工作有助于为即将上任的总统的战略计划提供信息。她目前担任《哈佛深红报》的新闻主管,是哈佛学院荣誉委员会的成员。她在大三时被选入Phi Beta Kappa。在牛津大学期间,她计划攻读数学和理论物理学的硕士学位,以及互联网社会科学的硕士学位。

Elizabeth Guo, Plano, is a senior at Harvard College, where she majors in Physics. Elizabeth’sundergraduate research explores the intersection of science and the law. As an intern at theU.S. Department of Commerce, Elizabeth’s work helped inform the incoming president’sStrategic Plan. She currently serves as a News Executive of The Harvard Crimson and is amember of the Harvard College Honor Council. She was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as ajunior. While at Oxford, she plans to pursue an MSc in Mathematical and TheoreticalPhysics, and an MSc in Social Science of the Internet.

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