
标题: 挤奶员 作者。安娜-伯恩斯 2020 [打印本页]

作者: shiyi18    时间: 2022-10-1 00:11
标题: 挤奶员 作者。安娜-伯恩斯 2020
Author: Anna Burns
2020 Winner!
Watch Anna Burn’s acceptance speech.

Dramatised reading of Milkman by Anna Burns, performed by Séana Kerslake. Produced by Bazar Productions.

In this special podcast series, produced in partnership with ILFDublin, Caelainn Hogan and Jessica Traynor explore the novel Milkman, and speak to author Anna Burns.

International Literature Festival Dublin · Anna Burns – 2020 International DUBLIN Literary Award Shortlist
Comments from the Judging Panel
‘Reading this book is an immersive experience. Once experienced, Anna Burns’ Milkman will never be forgotten. The reader becomes the world of the book. There was simply no other novel like it on the longlist. Many novels come and go but this tour-de-force is a remarkable achievement. We read it with huge admiration and gratitude. When we finished it, we felt enriched, informed, wiser.’

‘A description of what this original book is about fails to do it justice. Its brilliance lies in its compelling, questioning voice, its strong individual, resilient narrator, its evocation of place, its threatening and sinister atmosphere, its description of what Burns calls lives of ‘nervous caution.’

‘Milkman soon emerged as a frontrunner and naming it our eventual winner was a unanimous decision.’

‘The sinister, edgy and uncertain world of Anna Burns’s Milkman, as captured through a mature eighteen-year-old Middle Sister’s consciousness is both a challenging and hugely rewarding original work. Though set in an unnamed Belfast during the Troubles, it is a convincing and disturbing description of anywhere threatening and violent, of a place where religion, politics and geography determine how people must live their lives. In Burns’s narrator’s distinctive, sane and humorous voice, the novel explores a young woman’s attempt to assert her individuality, resist the imposed, claustrophobic pressure of a rumour-filled and menacing male-dominated world, value the truth, negotiate love and believe in a future.’

About the Novel
In an unnamed city, where to be interesting is dangerous, an eighteen-year-old woman has attracted the unwanted and unavoidable attention of a powerful and frightening older man, ‘Milkman‘. In this community, where suggestions quickly become fact, where gossip and hearsay can lead to terrible consequences, what can she do to stop a rumour once it has started? Milkman is persistent, the word is spreading, and she is no longer in control . . .

Milkman was published to critical acclaim in 2018 and went on to win the Man Booker Prize in that year.

About the Author
Anna Burns was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She is the author of three novels, No Bones, Little Constructions and Milkman, and of the novella, Mostly Hero. No Bones won the Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize and was short-listed for the Orange Prize for Fiction. She lives in East Sussex, England.

Librarian’s Comments
A report from the seventies amidst Northern Ireland troubles, authentic, thrilling, in parts deeply funny: we follow a young woman for whom violence both from politics and society seems natural. “Middle sister” the unnamed main character, manages to stand up to sexual harassment and neighbourhood watch. “Reading while walking”, she is an outsider with a sharp sight for humanity thus gaining resilience. Stadtbücherei Frankfurt am Main, Germany

This novel was an immersion into the Author’s created world that drew the reader in immediately. The style used created a narrative flow that reflected the subject and made it memorable without being dense. It’s an engaging and compelling story. Limerick City & Council Libraries, Ireland

A complex exploration of totalitarian politics and adolescence colliding, cast in a stream of consciousness form that manages to be both shocking and wry.  Redbridge Libraries, England

Set in Ireland during The Troubles, this energetic, subversive story is both an account of the mayhem suffered by the citizens of an unnamed city during those days and a tender, introspective examination of a young girl’s adolescence. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, USA

Anna Burns


Nominating Library       
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, USA, Limerick City & County Libraries, Ireland, Redbridge Libraries, England, Stadtbücherei Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Faber & Faber, Graywolf Press

Categories: 2020, 2020, 2020 Shortlist



在这个与都柏林国际文学节合作制作的特别播客系列中,Caelainn Hogan和Jessica Traynor探讨了小说《牛奶人》,并与作者安娜-伯恩斯进行了交谈。

都柏林国际文学节 - 安娜-伯恩斯 - 2020年国际都柏林文学奖入围名单

描述这本原版书的内容并不能使它公正。它的光彩在于其引人注目的、质疑的声音,其强大的个人、坚韧的叙述者,其对地方的唤起,其威胁和险恶的气氛,其对伯恩斯所说的 "紧张谨慎 "生活的描述。



在一个不知名的城市,有趣是危险的,一个18岁的女人吸引了一个强大而可怕的老男人 "挤奶工 "的不想要的和不可避免的注意。在这个社会中,建议很快就会成为事实,流言蜚语和传闻会导致可怕的后果,一旦谣言开始,她能做什么来阻止它呢?牛奶人锲而不舍,消息不断传出,而她已经无法控制了......。



这是一份来自七十年代北爱尔兰动乱时期的报告,真实、惊险,部分内容非常有趣:我们跟随一位年轻女性,对她来说,来自政治和社会的暴力似乎都是自然的。未命名的主角 "中妹 "设法抵制性骚扰和邻里监视。她 "边走边读",是一个对人性有敏锐洞察力的局外人,从而获得了复原力。德国美因河畔法兰克福Stadtbücherei博物馆


对极权主义政治和青春期碰撞的复杂探索,以意识流的形式呈现,成功地做到了既震撼又睿智。 英国红桥图书馆




美国匹兹堡卡内基图书馆, 爱尔兰利默里克市和县图书馆, 英国红桥图书馆, 德国法兰克福市立图书馆

Faber & Faber, Graywolf出版社

爱尔兰图书馆 - 查找此书
Categories: 2020, 2020, 2020年入围名单

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