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Kennedy Scholars 2016
Avantika_ChilkotiAvantika Chilkoti  26
Harvard Kennedy School  MPP

Avantika has spent the past four years reporting for the Financial Times, first in London and then in Mumbai and Jakarta.  She has covered elections in India, Sri Lanka and the Philippines, as well as terrorist attacks and economic turmoil in Indonesia.  In 2011 she graduated from the University of Cambridge, where she won a series of academic awards and scholarships for outstanding performance in the Land Economy tripos.  Whilst at Cambridge, Avantika was also editor of the student newspaper, Varsity, and spent three months living in a Tibetan monastery.  At Harvard, Avantika hopes to learn more about US politics in the run up to a divisive presidential election and to gain a deeper understanding of policy issues before returning to a career as a foreign correspondent.

NeilDeaconNeil Deacon  25  
Harvard Law School  LLM

Neil is currently legal advisor to the Lord President of the Court of Session, the senior judge in the Scottish legal system.  In the course of achieving First Class Honours in the LL.B. at the University of Glasgow, he focused on public, human rights and international law, and spent a year at Lund University, Sweden.  After university, Neil interned at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights in Strasbourg, before qualifying as a solicitor with the Government Legal Service for Scotland.  At Harvard, Neil looks forward to reflecting on his professional experience by focusing on the role of law in government, while also diversifying into more commercially-focused areas.

Emily_MiddletonEmily Middleton  26  
Harvard Kennedy School  MPP

Emily’s concern is with children’s rights and the effective delivery of services nationally and globally, particularly for those in low-income environments. Aged 14, she was one of the youngest Board members of the National Children’s Bureau, and later served on the Department for Education’s Children and Youth Board. As an undergraduate at Wadham College, Oxford, she worked part-time for the National Youth Agency and was youth advisor to the Board of UNICEF UK. For the last four years, Emily has been gaining experience in the private sector with the Boston Consulting Group, including a year working on digital finance topics in Southeast Asia. She now welcomes the International and Global Affairs concentration of the MPP as she seeks to incorporate mobile technology and innovation into the delivery of services on a large scale. Emily is also a prize-winning poet and looks forward to exploring contemporary American poetry at Harvard.


Dr Louwai Muhammed  26  
Harvard Graduate School of Education Ed M

Louwai studied medicine and neuroscience at Cambridge University and graduated with a First Class Honours degree. He then completed his medical training at Oxford University, where he qualified with a prize winning Distinction and over a dozen academic awards. He subsequently became the highest ranked applicant to academic medical training in London and now works as a doctor and as a scientist. He is currently researching cognition with the Queen Square National Centre for Neurology. He is also passionate about education and has won several teaching awards. He set up a nation-wide training course for doctors and was previously an anatomy tutor at Oxford. Louwai also founded an online interactive education platform with his brother that allows him and other British doctors to teach Syrian medical students live from the UK. He will take the Special Studies EdM at Harvard and hopes to learn about education, neuroscience, and entrepreneurship. He plans to complete a PhD in neuroscience on his return to the UK.


Dr John Park  27  
Harvard School of Public Health MPH

John is passionate about tackling gender and health inequalities. Growing up and witnessing gender violence in Scotland’s poorest council estate, he has worked with the UK government to influence policy on sexual violence and has helped build solutions with organizations fighting to tackle gender and health inequalities both nationally and internationally. John has worked in this respect with the World Health Organization and has conducted research for UNICEF on gender policy and child mortality. He has also contributed to international policy research leading to the largest ever health aid package to North Korean women and children. At Harvard. John seeks to develop expertise in public health research and health policy to improve the lives of vulnerable women and children. John is a medical and theology graduate of Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities respectively and studied with numerous scholarships, awards and prizes. He enjoys few things more than playing a round of golf and spending time with his family.


Nikhila Ravi 24  
Harvard GSAS Special Student

Nikhila was educated at her local state comprehensive. She realised her dream of studying at Cambridge, taking a BEng and MEng in bioengineering because of an interest in the interface between engineering and medicine. A Blues cricketer, she captained the university women's team and hit a century in the varsity match at Lord's. On graduation, she decided to explore her interest in technology and managed Code First:Girls for six months, running a national coding competition amongst other things. Simultaneously, she gained valuable experience developing the microscope startup, now discontinued, with which she had won the McKinsey Venture Academy. Realising the power of technology to create large-scale impact, she learnt software development with Founders and Coders and DWYL in London whilst continuing to champion gender-diversity/education initiatives. She will be a Special Student at Harvard, focussing on developing her knowledge of computer science, and welcomes the many opportunites to explore tech startup ideas.


Joshua Simons 22  
Harvard GSAS, PhD Political Thought & its history

Joshua graduated top of his year from St John's College, Cambridge, with a starred First in Politics. He spent (too) much of his time at Cambridge, editing Varsity and The Tab, as well as writing for The Times, Independent and Guardian. He has a keen interest in India's history and politics, having spent his summers researching for a project on bonded labour in South India and learning Hindi.  He has since worked as a Policy Advisor for the Labour Party, including on the European referendum, and for the Institute of Public Policy Research.  Joshua will be a Harvard-Kennedy Scholar, taking a PhD in political thought and its history in the Dept of Government. He will research the way ideas about economics developed in the long nineteenth-century, including thinking about what the consequences of those ideas are for the way we think about politics today.  His aim is to bring historical insight into questions about economic justice and the distribution of national and international wealth.  He hopes to communicate these ideas widely on his return to the UK.

Avantika_ChilkotiAvantika Chilkoti 26

阿凡提卡在过去的四年里一直为《金融时报》做报道,先是在伦敦,然后在孟买和雅加达。 她曾报道过印度、斯里兰卡和菲律宾的选举,以及印度尼西亚的恐怖袭击和经济动荡。 2011年,她从剑桥大学毕业,由于在土地经济专业的出色表现,她获得了一系列的学术奖项和奖学金。 在剑桥大学期间,阿凡提卡还担任了学生报纸《Varsity》的编辑,并在西藏的一个寺院生活了三个月。 在哈佛大学,阿凡提卡希望在分裂的总统选举前更多地了解美国政治,并在回到外国记者的职业之前对政策问题有更深入的了解。

尼尔-迪肯Neil Deacon 25  

尼尔目前是最高民事法庭庭长的法律顾问,他是苏格兰法律体系中的高级法官。 在格拉斯哥大学取得法学学士学位一等荣誉的过程中,他专注于公共法、人权和国际法,并在瑞典隆德大学学习了一年。 大学毕业后,Neil在斯特拉斯堡的欧洲委员会法律事务和人权委员会议会大会实习,然后获得了苏格兰政府法律服务处的律师资格。 在哈佛,尼尔期待着通过关注法律在政府中的作用来反思他的专业经验,同时也希望能在更多的商业领域中实现多元化。

Emily_MiddletonEmily Middleton 26岁  



Louwai Muhammed博士 26  



约翰-帕克博士 27  



Nikhila Ravi 24  

Nikhila在当地的公立综合学校接受教育。由于对工程和医学之间的关系感兴趣,她实现了在剑桥大学学习的梦想,修读了生物工程的工程学士和工程硕士。作为一名蓝调板球运动员,她是大学女队的队长,并在Lord's举行的校队比赛中打出了一个世纪。毕业时,她决定探索她对技术的兴趣,并管理了6个月的 "Code First:Girls",举办了一个全国性的编码比赛,以及其他事情。同时,她还获得了开发显微镜创业公司的宝贵经验,该公司现已停产,她曾凭借该公司赢得了麦肯锡风险学院。意识到技术创造大规模影响的力量,她在伦敦的Founders and Coders和DWYL学习软件开发,同时继续支持性别多样性/教育倡议。她将成为哈佛大学的特别学生,专注于发展她的计算机科学知识,并欢迎有许多机会来探索科技创业的想法。


约书亚-西蒙斯 22  

乔舒亚以第一名的成绩毕业于剑桥大学圣约翰学院,获得政治学学士学位。他在剑桥的大部分时间都在编辑Varsity和The Tab,并为泰晤士报、独立报和卫报写作。他对印度的历史和政治有着浓厚的兴趣,他曾在夏天为一个关于南印度抵押劳工的项目进行研究,并学习印地语。 此后,他曾担任工党的政策顾问,包括欧洲公投,并为公共政策研究所工作。 约书亚将成为哈佛-肯尼迪学者,在政府部攻读政治思想及其历史的博士学位。他将研究十九世纪经济思想的发展方式,包括思考这些思想对我们今天思考政治的方式有什么影响。 他的目标是将历史洞察力带入有关经济正义和国家及国际财富分配的问题。 他希望在回到英国后能广泛传播这些思想。
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