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2009 – Man Gone Down
Author: Michael Thomas
Winner! – Watch Michael Thomas’ Acceptance Speech
2009 Shortlist    2009 Longlist
The Judges’ Citation
We never know his name. But the African-American protagonist of Michael Thomas’ masterful debut, Man Gone Down, will stay with readers for a long time. He lingers because this extraordinary novel comes to us from a writer of enthralling voice and startling insight. Tuned urgently to the way we live now, the winner of the International Dublin IMPAC Prize 2009 is a novel brilliant in its scope and energy, and deeply moving in its human warmth.
The first person narrator in Man Gone Down has not fallen, yet. But he stands at a precipice. A black man from Boston married to a white woman with whom he has three children. A once promising Harvard student now broke and working in construction in Brooklyn. When we meet the narrator, he’s had to leave his wife and children with his disapproving mother-in-law, and now has just four days to raise the money necessary to reunite the family and return the children to school.

“If you’ve ever been broke – really broke,” he observes, “there are two things you know about being so: the universe is constantly conspiring to keep you that way…”
So unfolds the richly textured four-day drama of individual survival set against the myth of an integrated and racially normalized America. “It’s strange to go through life as a social experiment,” muses the man who had been bused and tested as a youth, “groomed for leadership”, and who now remembers the great men – Ghandi, King, Jackie Robinson, Malcolm X – as posters on the wall of a childhood bedroom.

Thomas’ novel shows, in unsentimental clarity, the way the future can close mercilessly on those marginalized by race and social circumstance. “Not a train,” as he writes about the cadences of the blues, “but something coming down the track under its own unconscious locomotion.” At the same time, Man Gone Down is a superb illustration of how each moment of the present, for all of us, is braided with the past: slights and nosebleeds, lost parents and double rainbows over long-ago weddings. Memories haunt and drive the present, in this novel, even as the future presses. So on a late-night run through Brooklyn, the ash cloud of 9/11 advances in memory: “again and again, crossing the water, coming to us like a late-Cretaceous plume of postfire.”

In his four days of increasing desperation, Thomas’ narrator takes us to dark interior places, where love is questioned and life must be contemplated as an “an imploded star”. But there is always hope. In my end (as Eliot is invoked) is my beginning. And here the novel HITS its truest notes, revealing that second thing to be learned from the condition of being really broke: “that the universe is plotting your redemption as well: when all fortunes are reversed.”
To say how, or even if, this reversal is achieved would spoil the exhilarating climax of this magnificent book, a work that brings Bellow as much as Ellison to mind. At the novel’s close, we still do not know the narrator’s name, but we feel him. And having been at the deepest sites of his struggle, we are changed by him as well. Man Gone Down is a novel that will resonate long into the future, a work that devastates and rebuilds, but is attuned always to the human yearning that is the story’s beating heart.

Judges: Rachel Billington, Gabrielle Alioth, Vesna Goldsworthy, Timothy Taylor, James Ryan. Non-voting Chair, Judge Eugene R. Sullivan

About the Book
A beautifully written, insightful, and devastating first novel, Man Gone Down is about a young black father of three in a biracial marriage trying to claim a piece of the American Dream he has bargained on since youth.

On the eve of the unnamed narrator’s thirty-fifth birthday, he finds himself broke, estranged from his white Boston Brahmin wife and three children, and living in the bedroom of a friend’s six-year-old child. He has four days to come up with the money to keep his family afloat, four days to try to make some sense of his life. He’s been getting by working construction jobs though he’s known on the streets as “the professor,” as he was expected to make something out of his life.

Alternating between his past-as a child in inner-city Boston, he was bussed to the suburbs as part of the doomed attempts at integration in the 1970s-and the present in New York City where he is trying mightily to keep his children in private schools, we learn of his mother’s abuses, his father’s abandonment, raging alcoholism, and the best and worst intentions of a supposedly integrated America.

This is an extraordinary debut. It is a story of the American Dream gone awry, about what it’s like to feel preprogrammed to fail in life-and the urge to escape that sentence.

Michael Thomas’s writing recalls some of the great American masters, including Ralph Ellison, but his debut is wholly and distinctly an original. Man Gone Down is a dazzling addition to the literature of and about America today.

(From Publisher)

About the Author
Michael Thomas was born and raised in Boston. He received his B.A. from Hunter College and his M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College. He teaches at Hunter College and lives in Brooklyn with his wife and three children.

Librarian’s Comments
A vibrant, well written first novel, an exploration of identity, inter-racial relationships and societal values through the eye of a black male.

获奖者! - 观看迈克尔-托马斯的获奖感言
2009年入围名单 2009年长名单


托马斯的小说清楚地表明,未来可以无情地关闭那些被种族和社会环境边缘化的人。他写道:"不是一列火车,"在蓝调的节奏下,"而是一些在其自身无意识的运动下走下轨道的东西。" 同时,《消失的人》是一个极好的说明,说明我们所有人的当下的每一个时刻是如何与过去编织在一起的:轻视和鼻血,失去的父母和很久以前的婚礼上的双彩虹。在这本小说中,记忆萦绕并驱动着现在,即使是在未来的压力下。因此,在布鲁克林的一个深夜里,9/11的灰云在记忆中不断推进。"一次又一次,越过水面,像晚白垩纪的火后烟云一样向我们走来。"

在他日益绝望的四天里,托马斯的叙述者把我们带到了黑暗的内部场所,在那里,爱情受到质疑,生活必须被视为 "一颗内爆的星星"。但希望总是存在的。在我的终点(正如艾略特所引用的)是我的起点。在这里,小说发出了它最真实的音符,揭示了从真正破产的状况中可以学到的第二件事。"宇宙也在策划对你的救赎:当所有的财富都被逆转的时候"。



在这位不愿透露姓名的叙述者的35岁生日前夕,他发现自己破产了,与他的波士顿白人婆罗门妻子和三个孩子疏远了,并住在一个朋友的六岁孩子的卧室里。他有四天时间拿出钱来维持家庭生计,有四天时间试图让自己的生活变得有意义。他一直在做建筑工作,虽然他在街上被称为 "教授",因为人们期望他能在生活中有所作为。






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