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32 毛先生的第三个儿子

发表于 2022-10-30 02:45:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Jt Utsit to JHao-kia, ntax litm-k'i.
HETTY FLEMING女士,你会喜欢听我对一个地方的访问,我希望能和Li-kia一起工作,每隔一个星期天去这两个地方。后面这个地方的一个人成为基督徒已经有很多年了。他是一个大约50岁的老单身汉,没有特别的才能或性格,在成为基督徒之前他不识字。然而,他确实得到了救赎,无论走到哪里都忠实地传扬福音。他遭受了很多痛苦
他特别渴望一位老人--一位近亲--能够得救,并不断劝说他,直到他来到 "耶稣堂",听到福音为止。最后,这位基督徒在一个晚上非常胜利地把这位老人带了进来,此后,这位老人就经常来参加晚上的聚会。后来
被称为 "毛家",是姓 "毛 "的人的家。毛先生的第三个儿子
我打算在星期一早上回家,但是他们邀请我去他们的村庄,我无法拒绝。星期一早上,Fu-li的叔叔陪同Fu-li和我一起去Teh-kia,后者推着我的车。我们的朋友一直在寻找我们,那个年轻的女人来接我们。在田地中间似乎只有一个宅院。这两个女人和长者的丈夫住在这里。两个家庭都有一个共同的大客厅,每个家庭都有自己的厨房和卧室。年长的妇女有一个大约13岁的儿子,他已经上了三年学,所以可以帮助妇女学习。年轻的妇女非常贫穷,她的丈夫已经离开了很长时间,他既没有给她送钱,也没有来照顾她;事实上,她不知道他是活着还是死了。因此,她不得不乞讨;走很远的路到不同的村庄去乞讨。这两个女人和大男孩都很聪明,而且似乎有救。丈夫的一个困难是他不能祈祷,但他已经放弃了一切虚假的东西,甚至在收割庄稼的时候也不进行通常的异教徒仪式。我们一进门就被安排吃煮熟的黑豆,加糖和其他美味佳肴,包括干菜和咸菜;用大量的茶水冲洗整个食物。这个男孩走了很远的路,专门找来好水来泡茶,并很自豪地宣布了这个事实。我们到达后不久,他的父亲就来了,一直陪着我们,直到我们下午离开。当我们围着桌子坐的时候,傅利对他们说:"你们不能在星期三和星期六晚上到田里来,所以在这里唱一首赞美诗,祈祷,谈论上帝。" 我们在城市里有这些晚上的聚会,符离认为他们应该在乡下有一些替代的东西。这句话用中文说得很好。在英语中听起来却没有一半那么好。他们说:"当我们无事可做的时候,我们总是坐下来谈论上帝的事情,并在桌子上鞠躬祈祷。" 他们祈祷的时间很短,但那个读了三年书的男孩却 "祈祷的时间很长"。我们在吃饭的间隙阅读和谈论Jesusin,度过了如此美好的时光。我在Teh-kia的那晚,Teh先生病了。富礼的叔叔、哥哥和弟弟都去为他祈祷,并为他祈祷。富礼从贵溪回家后,也带着理发师和弟弟去了,也和他一起祈祷,很快他就好了。他自己也开始祷告,并呼求耶稣。上个星期天他去毛家做礼拜,这是他第一次去那里。傅利和他的叔叔不得不尽可能地举行礼拜。有人来试图说服他们。富礼向他们讲述了化身的情况。他以前和我姐姐在城里经历过这一切。有人想知道玛丽姓什么。

Jt Utsit to JHao-kia, ntax litm-k'i.
BY MISS HETTY FLEMING, YOU will like to hear of a visit I paid to a place that I hope to work with Li-kia, going to either place on alternate Sundays. A man from this latter place has been a Christian for a good many years. He is an old bachelor of about fifty years of age, with no special talent or force of character, and he could not read until he became a Christian. However, he was truly saved, and faithfully preached the Gospel wherever he went. He has suffered a good deal
for the Lord, both in the way of ridicule and real oppression. He
was specially anxious that one old man—a near relative—should be
saved, and kept exhorting him for ever so long before he would come to the " Jesus Hall " and hear the Gospel. At last the Christian brought in the old man one night quite triumphantly, and after that the latter came pretty regularly to the evening meetings. Then
something hindered him and turned him back, but the other one would not give him up, but kept on exhorting him until he came
back, and now he is thoroughly saved, and is a baptized Christian. The name common to the whole village is Mao, so that the village
is called Mao-kia, home of the people named " Mao." The third son
of Mr. Mao was saved last year, and has since been very earnest in preaching the Gospel. The old father has a barrow shop on the
street, and does not often go home, as it is a long walk, about ij miles, or 40 li, as we call it here. The son we call Fu-li. He and his uncle have been so indefatigable in exhorting others to worship God
that now there are some really promising enquirers in that village and
district. Fu-li wanted so much that some one would go to his home
wiih him , and, as my sister was unable to go, I went with him. On
Sunday we had a good day—three meetings, with teaching in between. When the other people had gone, I tried to teach Fu-li and his uncle
the tune of a hymn they were very anxious to learn. You would
have been amused at our attempts. Fu-li's eldest brother, mother, and two younger brothers all reckon themselves as worshippers of God. The second son really acts as master of the house, and makes
a good deal of opposition. He objects to his brothers keeping
Sunday, when he thinks they ought to be in the fields. The whole
family, excepting the father, are very fiery in disposition, and find it hard to curb their tongues. You cannot conceive what this reviling or cursing of the Chinese is like. The little children, as soon as they can speak almost, begin to curse if any one opposes their will in any
way. It comes out in a volley, a rushing torrent, and we can only look on and marvel. The Lord has sanctified many lips in China, and
will help these dear folks. Fu-li has wonderfully triumphed in this respect. It is almost a point of honour to be able to out-talk or curse your opponent, and it takes a lot of grace to keep quiet when another
is attacking one. Two women and a boy named Teh, living about two li away, were there all day. They seem to be really looking to Jesus. I
intended returning home on Monday morning, but they were sopressing in their invitation to go to their village that I could notrefuse. On Monday morning Fu-li's uncle accompanied the formerand myself to Teh-kia, the latter wheeling my barrow. Our friendshad been on the look out for us, and the younger woman cametomeet us. There seemed to be just one homestead in the middle ofrice fields. The two women lived here with the husband of the elderone. There was a large living room common to both families, andeach had their kitchens and bedrooms. The elder woman has a niceson of about 13 years of age, who has been to school for three years,so can help the women to learn. The younger woman is very poor,Her husband has been away for a long time, and he has neither senther money nor come to look after her ; in fact she does not knowwhether he is alive or dead. Consequently she has to beg ; walkinglong distances to beg at the different villages. These two womenand the elder boy are so bright, and seem to be saved. The husband'sone difficulty was that he could not pray, but he had given up every-thing false, not even performing the usual heathen rites when puttingin his crops. As soon as we got in we were set down to eat boiledblack beans, with sugar and other delicacies, including dried andsalted vegetables ; washing down the whole with copious draughts oftea. The boy had gone a long distance to get specially nice water tomake this tea, and announced the fact with much pride. The fathercame in shortly after we got there, and stayed with us until' we left, late in the afternoon. Fu-li said to them as we sat round the table," You cannot come over the fields Wednesday and Saturday nights,so sing a hymn here and pray, and talk about God." Weholdmeetings these nights in the city, and Fu-li thinks they ought to havesome substitute for them in the country. The reply was beautiful in Chinese. It does not sound half so nice in English. They said, " When we have nothing else to do we always sit and talk about thethings of God, and bow over the table and pray." They prayshortly, but the boy, who has read three years' books " prays thelong prayer." We had such a good time reading and talking of Jesusin between the eating. The night I was at Teh-kia Mr. Teh took ill. Fu-li's uncle,elder brother and younger brother went and prayed with him and forhim. After Fu-li got home from Kuei-k'i, he too went, taking thebarber and younger brother, and also prayed with him, and very soonhe got better. He had begun to pray himself, and was calling onJesus. The last Sunday he went to Mao-kia to the services, which is the first time he has been there. Fu-li and his uncle have to hold the services as best they can.Some come to try and talk them down. Fu-li was telling them ofthe incarnation. He had previously been through it all in the city with my sister. Someone wanted to knew what was Mary's surname.
He could not say she had no surname, because that would brand her with shame in Chinese eyes. They asked what was Jesus' surname. He was very much puzzled how to satisfy them, and knew the Bible did not mention any surname. At last a beautiful thought struck
him. Jesus was God's Son, so of course He was surnamed "God."Pray that the Holy Spirit will help these dear folks, and that Fu-li and his uncle may be so taught by Him that they shall always beready to answer those who try to talk them down.
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