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2022.06.28 了解美洲的七本书

发表于 2022-7-6 23:06:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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Economist Reads | Latin America
Our Bello columnist on the essential books for understanding Latin America
The seven books for getting to grips with the Americas
Cuba, Havana, Folkloric Show In The Street. (Photo by Giovanni Mereghetti/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Jun 28th 2022


This article is part of our Summer reads series. Visit our collection to discover “The Economist reads” guides, guest essays and more seasonal distractions.

Latin america is hugely diverse but there are also common themes. One is that some of the best writing about it is by novelists and journalists. Another is that the region is immersed in one of its periodic bouts of re-assessing its history. A third is that politics has sometimes been marked by violence. Many of the best books about the region are, naturally enough, written in Spanish or Portuguese. Here is a small selection of books in English that reflect those trends while paying homage to the region’s diversity. What they have in common is that they are all good reads.

Conquistadores. By Fernando Cervantes. Viking; 512 pages; $35. Penguin, £12.99

A balanced retelling, published in 2020, of the Spanish conquest of the Caribbean, Mexico and Peru, which draws heavily on the letters and diaries of the protagonists. Fernando Cervantes, a Spanish historian at Bristol University, does not shrink from chronicling the brutality of the invaders but seeks to judge them according to their own times rather than 21st century notions of human rights. The assumptions and behaviour of Hernán Cortés, Francisco Pizarro and the rest were nurtured by a late medieval religious culture, not purely by the lure of gold and still less by modern notions of statehood, he argues.

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Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs by Camilla Townsend. Oxford University Press; 336 pages; $21.95 and £14.99

The people vanquished by Cortés whom we often call Aztecs but who called themselves Mexica quickly adapted to their new world, learning to write in the Roman alphabet. They used that skill to write their own history, drawing on a prior oral tradition. Camilla Townsend, a historian at Rutgers University, has mined these “annals” to offer a fresh account of the Mexica in their own words. It covers their arrival in Mexico’s central valley from what is now the south-western United States, their experience of the Spanish conquest and their subsequent adaption and survival. Published in 2019, the book shows they were less obsessed with human sacrifice than the Spanish chroniclers claimed.

Redeemers: Ideas and Power in Latin America by Enrique Krauze. Translated by Hank Hefetz and Natasha Wimmer. HarperCollins; 560 pages; $19.99

A flowing history of the dominant trends in political thinking in the region told through the lives of a dozen Latin American intellectuals, writers or political leaders, mainly of the 20th century. They range from José Martí to Eva Perón and Mario Vargas Llosa to Hugo Chávez, with the longest chapter being reserved for Octavio Paz, the Mexican poet who became a political liberal and was the author’s mentor. Published in 2011.

Dancing with Cuba: A Memoir of the Revolution by Alma Guillermoprieto. Knopf; 304 pages; $15.95

A personal account of the six months the author spent as a teacher of modern dance in Fidel Castro’s Cuba in 1970, at a juncture when the revolution was past its heroic dawn and well on the way to becoming a culturally conformist Stalinist dictatorship. The experience “thoroughly unravelled” Ms Guillermoprieto’s life. She arrived as an aspiring artist and left as the future writer who would go on to become perhaps the best journalistic chronicler of contemporary Latin America. We published our review of the book in 2004.

News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel García Márquez. Translated by Edith Grossman. Vintage; 304 pages; $17. Penguin; £8.99

An unsurpassed journalistic account by Colombia’s most famous novelist of the horror inflicted by Pablo Escobar, the murderous drug trafficker from Medellín in the late 1980s and early 1990s. First published in Spanish in 1996, the events in the book involve the kidnapping of Diana Turbay, a journalist and daughter of a former president. It traces the agonising choices officials had to make, torn as they were between the national interest and personal ties. As was so often the case where Escobar was involved, the story doesn’t end well. We published an obituary of Gabriel García Márquez in 2014.

The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa. Translated by Edith Grossman. Picador; 416 pages; $20. Faber & Faber; £8.99

Peru’s Nobel-prize-winning novelist is at his psychologically probing best in this fictionalised account of the moral corruption and political repression of the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, the self-styled Generalissimo who ruled the Dominican Republic from 1930 until his assassination in 1961. First published in 2000. We spoke to Mario Vargas Llosa about liberalism, dictatorship and more, in 2018.

Beef, Bible and Bullets: Brazil in the Age of Bolsonaro. By Richard Lapper. Manchester University Press; 272 pages; $29.95 and £11.99

A readable account of how Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil’s presidency through a culture war which melded an ad-hoc coalition of farmers, evangelical protestants and the security forces. It takes in, too, the damage he has done to the country and its democracy. By a former Latin American editor of the Financial Times.

Our Bello columnist wrote a special report on Latin America in June 2022. He is also the author of two books of his own:

Forgotten Continent: A History of the New Latin America. By Michael Reid. Yale University Press; 440 pages; $18 and £14.99 (2017)

An account of the region’s long struggle for democracy and development up to the present day.

Brazil: The Troubled Rise of a Global Power. By Michael Reid. Yale University Press; 352 pages; $16 and $12.99 (2015)

A guide to history, politics, economic development and society in Latin America’s largest country.■

古巴,哈瓦那,街上的民俗表演。(Photo by Giovanni Mereghetti/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

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被科尔特斯征服的人们,我们通常称之为阿兹特克人,但他们自称为墨西哥人,他们很快适应了他们的新世界,学会了用罗马字母书写。他们利用这一技能写出了自己的历史,借鉴了之前的口头传统。罗格斯大学的历史学家卡米拉-汤森挖掘了这些 "年鉴",用他们自己的话提供了一个关于墨西哥人的全新描述。该书涵盖了他们从现在的美国西南部抵达墨西哥中央谷地的情况,他们对西班牙征服的经历以及他们随后的适应和生存。该书于2019年出版,表明他们并不像西班牙编年史家所说的那样痴迷于人的牺牲。



与古巴共舞。Alma Guillermoprieto的《革命回忆录》。Knopf;304页;15.95美元

这是作者1970年在菲德尔-卡斯特罗的古巴担任现代舞教师六个月的个人记录,当时革命已经过了英雄的黎明,正准备成为一个文化上顺从的斯大林主义独裁政权。这段经历 "彻底解开了 "吉列莫普列托女士的生活。她作为一个有抱负的艺术家来到这里,离开时却成为未来的作家,并可能成为当代拉丁美洲最好的新闻记录者。我们在2004年发表了对该书的评论。


哥伦比亚最著名的小说家对巴勃罗-埃斯科瓦尔(Pablo Escobar)在20世纪80年代末和90年代初麦德林的谋杀毒贩所造成的恐怖进行了无与伦比的新闻报道。该书于1996年首次以西班牙语出版,书中的事件涉及记者和前总统的女儿戴安娜-图尔瓦(Diana Turbay)被绑架。该书追溯了官员们不得不做出的痛苦选择,他们在国家利益和个人关系之间挣扎。正如埃斯科瓦尔所涉及的情况一样,这个故事的结局并不美好。我们在2014年发表了加布里埃尔-加西亚-马尔克斯的讣告。

山羊的盛宴》,作者:马里奥-巴尔加斯-略萨。由伊迪丝-格罗斯曼翻译。Picador;416页;20美元。Faber & Faber;8.99英镑









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