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Sl}£ JltissiottariL BY REV. J. Hudson Taylor.
传教士。基督救赎了我们,让我们成为 "他的见证人",并应 "彰显他的赞美。
我也照样差遣他们到世界上去。" 服务的范围可以是
i. 一个人如何自己判断他有上帝的呼召
而许多人在健康、家庭环境等方面处于这样的地位,只能自由地考虑家庭工作。然而,另一些人在 "你们去吧 "的命令中认识到了神的呼召,并发现没有什么不可克服的困难阻止他们离开以前的工作。
2. 2.但其他人如何确定那些认为自己被呼召的人--可能是被呼召献身的人,是否应该被接受呢?大卫希望建造圣殿,这是好事;但上帝的旨意并不是让他这样做,尽管他被允许在很大程度上帮助这项工作。计划给了他,手段也主要给了他,他被用来督促所罗门进行建造;而且,除了为之付出大量自己的手段外,他还成功地刺激了他的子民对这项工作的极大自由度。因此,现在有些人可能会被引导去献身,他们不适合在实地工作;然而,他们可能会有负担,以便像大卫一样,他们可以成为帮助者和奉献者。但要回到这个问题,谁会被接受?一般来说,我们可以说那些具有合适的年龄、性格和资格,并且已经证明自己在家里是有耐心和成功的工人的人。上帝为他呼召的仆人所从事的工作部门赋予能力,而我们的问题仅仅是:是否有证据表明他们有能力在中国工作?即使在这一点上,也需要非常谨慎和大量的祷告。我在中国遇到的最成功的传教士之一,多次被审查委员会拒绝,而且不是没有理由。但他坚持不懈,上帝为他开路,他做了六七年最成功的工作,从此他被召去领赏。我们现在可以考虑
在这一切的基础上,还需要能量--良好的控制--以及影响和领导的能力。我不能不提成功的传教士的一个最重要的特征--没有种族的骄傲;因为没有什么能让我们为之工作的人感到厌恶,而且 "主抵制骄傲的人"。最重要的是,他有能力降低到他所要拯救的人的水平,并与他们成为一体。只有在他能做到这一点的情况下
才能使他们与他合一。"道成了肉身";基督生在 "律法之下";"他成为
我们也是如此。他是 "神的智慧",也是 "神的能力";他给我们留下了一个榜样,使我们应该
i. 体力方面的资格。这些资格应该与传教士所要工作的中国地区的要求相当。具备的条件包括
2. 2. 心理素质。心智应该完全健全,不应该有遗传性精神错乱的迹象,否则中国就不可能出现这种情况。
3. 3.精神上的资格。当然,这些是极其重要的。不完美的身体健康或精神装备对成功来说并不是绝对致命的,但是一个真正的传教士必须是一个有精神力量的人。
来到哪里?-来找谁?"到你们这里"(第7节)--他将做什么?他住在信徒里面,"要叫世人知罪、知义、知罪"(第8节)。此外,他还 "要引导你们明白一切真理"(第13节)。因此,传教士最重要的是要有属灵的心态。因此,通过与候选人进行属灵对话,并与他们一起祈祷,是多么重要的一件事。
祈祷的人,他们经常为自己证明它的力量。希望为永恒而活并决心这样做的人;在 "未来世界的力量 "下的人,对他们来说,看不见的东西是最真实和最令人满意的。他们必须是心中流淌着上帝之爱的人--不仅仅是爱上帝或知道上帝爱他们的人;而是在他们心中流淌着上帝对于灭亡灵魂的爱
他们不仅是爱上帝或知道上帝爱他们的人;而是在他们的心中流淌着上帝对灭亡的灵魂的爱,因此他们可以在他们的范围内做基督在他的范围内所做的事情,而且是通过同样的力量。这种爱,这种对灵魂的热情,不会被击退,也不会失败--在权宜之计上是肥沃的,在困难中是耐心的,在问题上是成功的--因为它是来自上帝,靠着他的力量。哦,为了这样的人--许多这样的人!无论多么高尚或多么卑微,他们都会成为我们的朋友。无论多么高尚或多么卑微,这样的人都是中国最需要的。哦,我亲爱的弟兄们,愿我们在这次会议上得到新的恩膏,重新喝下生命之水,而且比以往更深;以便从我们每个人--尽管我们是贫穷的空容器--流出活水,祝福中国这块干渴的土地 I IV.
情况越是如此,问题就越令人满意。那么问题来了,我们所能提供的额外培训,何时、何地、如何提供?1. 1.何时?每当我们发现合适的男人或女人在某些重要的方面没有做好准备来做这项工作时,我们就应该在准备方面提供不足,或者至少指导他们获得必要的东西。但年龄是一个非常重要的因素;如果候选人非常年轻,或者刚刚信主,则特别需要培训;但如果已经不年轻了,而且不足之处也不是最重要的,把一个人长期留在家里准备,可能是不明智的。
2. 2. 在哪里?--在家里还是在野外?如果所需的训练是为了医疗工作、文学工作和翻译圣经,或
3. 侯--当然,这必须在很大程度上取决于所针对的目标


Sl}£ JltissiottariL BY REV. J. HUDSON TAYLOR.
(A Paper read at the Shanghai Conference in 1890.) IN the broadest sense of the word every Christian should be a
Missionary. Christ has redeemed us that we should be "Witnesses unto Him," and should "show forth the praises of Him
who has called us out of darkness into His marvellous light." Of all His redeemed He says, " As thou hast sent me into the world, even
so have I also sent them into the world." The sphere of service may
be large or small, at home or abroad ; the called may be old or young,
sick or well ; but the principle remains the same. We are left down
here to be witnesses unto Him ; and to bear witness always, wherever we may be, is alike our privilege and our duty. But in a more restricted sense, there are some who are called to leave their secular avocations, and to give up their whole lives to Missionary work. Such are our Ministers, Evangelists and Missionaries at home, as well as abroad—for the field is the world. In this paper, however, we shall only consider the case of those called to foreign work, who are to labour in China in one or other department
of Missionary enterprise. Even then our subject is a broad one ; for China needs not only ordained Missionaries as pastors and teachers, but many others, who may or may not be ordained, for literary and educational work, for medical missions, for evangelistic and itinerant work ; besides others
for colportage, printing, business, etc. The women of China need the Gospel as well as the men, and lady workers of varied qualifications are needed, and, beyond dispute, have proved themselves most useful. To consider the special requirements of each of these classes in detail would need more time than can now be given ; but it requires no
proving that to ignore all these differences, and to expect all to pass through the same preparation would be a mischievous mistake. No
one expects every minister to give five years to the study of medicine
to require every evangelist to take a full theological course is not more
wise. China is perishing. Our plans must be sufficiently comprehensive to make room for all whom God shall call, sufficiently elastic to be adapted to them all ; and yet sufficiently guarded to exclude the
unsuitable, however learned, wealthy, or otherwise attractive they may be. Some broad principles apply to all Missionaries for China, and
these we may now consider. Many of them apply equally to workers
in other lands, such as the call, the character, and to a large extent even the qualifications and training for service.
The Call of God. It will be admitted by all that a Missionary needs to be called of God ; but widely different views exist with
reference to the call, while many have not any clear view at all. A
Missionary who is not clear on this point will at times be almost at the mercy of the great enemy. When difficulties arise, when in danger or
sickness, he will be tempted to raise the question which should have
been settled before he left his native land : Am I not in my wrong
place ? There are, therefore, few questions more important than the
following :
i. How is a man to judge for himself that he has the call of God
to devote his life to Missionary service ? The operations of the Spirit of God are exceedingly varied. In some cases there is a deep inward sense of vocation, in others this is absent. In many cases there is a great longing for the spiritual enlightenment of the heathen and desire to engage in it, but at times
there is as great a shrinking from it. It is no more safe to build on
mere inward feelings (though these may be of great value), in the matter of the Divine Call, than it would be to build on such feelings as a ground for assurance of salvation. The only safe ground in either case is the Word of God. For salvation, all are called, but few are chosen; for few heed the call and obey it. For service, every child of God is called, but many heed not the call ; and many
who do, are so placed as to health, family circumstances, etc., as to be only free to consider home work. Others, however, recognize God's call in the command, "Go ye," and find that no insuperable
difficulties prevent them from leaving their previous avocations. Asintelligent servants, knowing there are many witnesses at homeandfew indeed abroad, they have good ground for believing that Godwould have them offer themselves for foreign service. They have fairhealth, have proved for themselves the power of Christ to conquerthe love and power of sin, and have no claims upon them whichpreclude their going wherever the Lord may have need of workers.Indeed, they feel the call so strongly that conscience could not restwere they not to offer themselves to God for the needy heathen. Nowin this call there is first the command of the Word, then the calmjudgment of the intelligence, the conscious desire to obey, andtofollow the example of the Lord Jesus. Not their own, they will go,if sent, as His servants. They know the service will be arduous, willoften be painful, and perhaps apparently discouraging ; but they willobey the call nevertheless. This is very different from mere feeling.That might change, but the call would remain. Many have a greatdesire, who are never permitted to enter the Mission field. Somewho go on the strength of feelings afterwards regret their mistake.Mere pity for the spiritual and temporal miseries of the heathenisnot sufficient. God's command, brought home to the heart andconscience, God's love, the constraining power, and the God-givenfacilities which make foreign service possible, are considerations ofthe highest moment, and, taken together, are not likely to mislead. As soon as a young Christian at home recognizes a call to workfor the Lord, some Christian service should be commenced at once,and carried on diligently and perseveringly. This is not less importantin the case of those who look for ultimate service abroad, but rathermore so. Thus they will test the reality of the call, and also proveand develop their own powers. A voyage across the ocean will notmake anyone a Missionary or a soul-winner. While proving anddeveloping their gifts at home, such preparation for future serviceas may be practicable should be carried on at the same time ; andsuitable steps taken to open the door to the foreign field, with muchprayer that the Lord will open or shut, as, and when, He sees best.If the call be indeed of God, He will open the way ; and till he doesso, the one called may patiently and calmly wait. A worker is notresponsible for anything out of his power, Effort and energy andperseverance are required of him ; success will come in God's owntime.
2. But how are others to determine whether those who thinkthemselves called—and who probably are called to offer themselvesshould be accepted ? It was well that David wished to build theTemple ; but it was not God's will that he should do so, thoughhewas permitted to help in the work to no small extent. The plan wasgiven to him, the means were largely given to him, he was usedtourge Solomon to do the building ; and, besides giving largely of hisown means for it, he was successful in stimulating his people to greatliberality towards the work. So now, some may be led to offer whoare unsuitable for the work in the field ; and yet, they may have theburden laid upon them, in order that, David -like, they may be helpersand givers. But to return to the question, who shall be accepted? Speaking generally, we may say Those of suitable age, character, andqualifications, and who have already proved themselves patient and successfulworkers at home. God gives ability for the department of work to whichHe calls His servants, and our question is simply this, Is thereevidence of ability for work in China ? Even on this point great careand much prayerfulness are needed. One of the most successfulMissionaries I have met in China was repeatedly rejected by examiningboards, and not without reason. But he persevered, God opened theway, and most successful work he did for six or seven years, fromwhich he was called to his reward. We may now consider
The Personal Character of the Missionary for China. I needscarcely say that he should be unmistakably saved and thoroughlyconsecrated to God, living a holy, consistent life. It is equally
desirable that he should have shown himself useful and helpful, and
that in some measure at least his character should have already
influenced and impressed others. But beyond this, a Missionary should be unselfish, considerate of, and attentive to, the feelings and
needs of others. He should be patient—not apathetic, but able to bear opposition calmly and with long-suffering ; he should be perse- vering also, not easily discouraged. With all this, energy—well under
control—is needed, and power to influence and to lead. I must not omit to mention one most important characteristic of a successful missionary—absence of pride of race ; for nothing so much repels those for whom we labour, and " the Lord resisteth the proud." Power to come down to the level of those he seeks to save, and to become one with them, is most important. It is only in so far as he
can do this that he will make them one with him. "The Word was made flesh"; Christ was born "under the law"; "it became Him
to be made in all things like unto His brethren " —how much more
does it become us ! He was the " Wisdom of God " as well as the "Power of God"; and He has left us an example that we should
tread in His steps.
Qualifications for Service. But besides his own personal character, certain qualifications for service—physical, mental and spiritual are needed. I will consider first the lowest of these, because even it will close the door to many whom we might gladly welcome among us.
i. Physical Qualifications. These should be equal to the require- ments of the part of China in which the Missionary is to labour. The
nervous system should be able to bear the strain of acclimatization, of study, and of any measure of isolation the work may call for. A fairly good digestive power is needed , and good muscular strength is not
only valuable in itself, but as tending to keep the whole system in health by its exercise. The body is the Lord's ; and, while not pampered, it should be well cared for, for Him. Men of melancholy temperament, who cannot throw off the depression they are subject to; the fastidious, who are often more or
less dyspeptic ; and the highly excitable, are risky candidates for work
in China.
In the case of lady Missionaries a fairly healthy and vigorous frame
is very desirable. Some may marry sooner or later, and if unable to maintain health in the various circumstances of married life, not only
will their own work be hindered, or come to an end, but the work of the husband may suffer, or he may have to leave the field. After considerable experience, we strongly urge the great desirability of ladies acquiring the language and becoming acclimatized before marriage, wherever this is possible. Ladies of highly excitable or
hysterical temperament are not well adapted to this climate.
2. Mental Qualifications. The mind should be thoroughly sound, and there should be no taint of hereditary insanity, or China is not
unlikely to develop it. A sound judgment, everywhere valuable, is specially so in China ; and the ready tact which takes in the situation and makes the best of it, is never out of place here. The absence
of these qualifications may neutralize the best intentions and the most
earnest efforts. Kvidence of Capacity should always be sought for. Culture is very
valuable, if linked with capacity ; but there are some who, while they have done well in the schools, seem to have exhausted their small
stock of capacity. Such would be little use here. A candidate should have ability to learn and to become whatever may be, necessary. If some advantages of education have been lacking, we may remember
that Missionary study and work are themselves educational ; and if there is the requisite ability, very useful service may yet be rendered.
Attractiveness and Leadership. Some persons possess a power to
attract and influence which is difficult to explain, but is a gift of the highest value when used by the Holy Ghost. Such persons are generally fond of children and are loved and trusted by them. The
instinct of children does not often mislead them, and those who can work well with and for children will generally make good Missionaries. The power of leadership is seen in some in a marked degree and is most valuable. Where these gifts are wholly absent, or the
reverse of them is present, great care should be used before accepting
a candidate for China.
3. Spiritual Qualifications. These, of course, are supremely important. Imperfect physical health or mental furnishings are not absolutely fatal to success, but a true Missionary must be a man of
spiritual power. The work to be done is a spiritual work, the foes to be worsted are spiritual foes. Let no one think that when he haslooked at the hoary civilization of China, the difficult language, themighty power of numbers, the prejudice of race, the materialization
of the minds of the Chinese, and the hindrances caused by opium andunfriendly contact with foreigners, he has surveyed the principal diffi- culties with which we have to contend. No ! our warfare is not with
these merely—we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with wickedspirits in heavenly places, who reign in the hearts of the heathen. Enlighten their minds, affect their conscience even, and they will remain the same, unless the Father draw them, unless the Son set them free, unless the Spirit convict them of sin and renew their
hearts. And this work God will usually do through those who are
spiritual. "When He, the Spirit of Truth, is come" (John 16, 13)
come where ? —come to whom ? " unto you " (v. 7) —what will he do ? He, indwelling in the believer, " will convict the world of sin, of righte- ousness, and of judgment" (v. 8). And, moreover, He it is who" will guide you into all truth " (v. 13). Above all things, therefore, must the Missionary be spiritually-minded. How important it is, then, that by spiritual conversations with
candidates, and by prayer with them, their spiritual state should beascertained. They must be holy men, loving the Word, feeding andfeasting on it, having it dwelling in them richly ; must be men of
prayer, who have often proved for themselves its power. Men whowish to live for eternity and are resolved to do so ; men under " the powers of the world to come," to whom unseen things are most real and most satisfying. They must be men who have the love of Godshed abroad in their hearts—not merely men who love God or whoknow that He loves them ; but who have the very love of God for
perishing souls shed abroad in their hearts, and who hence can do in their measure what Christ did in His, and by the same power. Thatlove, that passion for souls, knows no repulse, never fails—is fertile in expedient, patient in difficulty, and successful in issue—for it is of God and by His power. Oh, for such men—for multitudes of them ! However noble or however humble, men so qualified are the great need of China. And, oh, my dear brethren, may we in this Confer- ence have a fresh anointing, and drink afresh, and more deeply thanever, of the water of life ; so that from each one of us—poor, emptyvessels though we are—rivers of living water may flow, to bless this thirsty land of China I IV.
Training. It only remains very briefly to refer to the matterof training. God trains all His workers, but often in very different ways. There is no gift of God which is not improved by suitable
training." The body, the mind, the heart and the soul, all benefit by it. Are we not too apt to confine our thoughts of training to the
intellect ? And is not heart-training far more important, and yet far more neglected ? Much of our training—by far the most importantpart of it—must be left in God's hand, and will often have beenaccomplished before the candidate comes before us : the more largely
this is the case, the more satisfactory the issue. Then come the questions, of such additional training as we can give, When, Where andHow should it be given ? 1. When ? Whenever we find the right men or women, in someimportant respect unfurnished for this work, it may be desirable to supply what is lacking in the way of preparation, or at least to direct them in acquiring what is necessary. But age is a very importantelement ; if the candidate is very young, or has been recently converted, training is specially indicated ; but if already not young, andthe deficiency is not of paramount importance, it may be unwise to detain one long at home for preparation.
2. Where ?—-at home or in the field ? If the training needed is for medical work, for literary work and translation of the Scriptures, or
for educational work, much of it must be done at home. But whereever it is practicable, there is great advantage in much of the training being done here. The Missionary can learn much while acquiring the language, while becoming acclimatized, and while learning to under-
stand the minds of the people—quite as important a matter as understanding their language. It was in this way that Joshua was trained under Moses in the Old Testament times, and the disciples of Christ
in the New. In this way Paul trained his companions, and no method is more effectual than this wherever it can be applied.
3. Hou - This must, of course, depend much on the object aimed
at. I would say, however, that whether at home or here, spiritual work should always be connected with secular ; and heart-training and the deepening of spiritual life should always be kept not merely in sight, but in the very front. Let us see to it that a deepening knowledge
of the Word, love of the Word, and practical use of the Word, accom- pany whatever else may be thought desirable.
Finally, let us remember that God will go on with the training

that we have not to do it all. That the study of the language and
literature of China is as good a mental training as that of Westernclassics ; that travel and dealing with men and things are highly educational ; and let us never forget that while we are training, men aredying, dying in hopeless sin. Let not our training practically impressthe student with the thought that he is the important agent and theHoly Spirit's work merely auxiliary ; that his improvement is theurgent thing, and that the condition of the heathen is not so veryurgent after all. Would that God would make hell so real that wecould not rest, heaven so real that we must have men there, Christ soreal that our supreme motive and aim shall be to make the ManofSorrows the Man of Joy through the conversion of many of thoseconcerning whom He prayed—" Father, I long that those whomThou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may beholdmy glory."
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