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2022.09.05 克里斯蒂娜-费尔南德斯-德-基什内尔

发表于 2022-9-9 03:03:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

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Who is Cristina Fernández de Kirchner?
Argentina’s divisive vice-president is embroiled in a corruption trial and an assassination attempt
Argentina's Vice President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner speaks to supporters as they gather outside her house, days after Fernandez was accused in a corruption case, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 27, 2022. REUTERS/Mariana Nedelcu
Sep 5th 2022



Last month a prosecutor in Argentina sought a 12-year jail term for Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the country’s vice-president, for her alleged involvement in funnelling padded public contracts to a crony at a cost of $1bn to the taxpayer. Ms Fernández, who denies all allegations as political persecution, called on her supporters to gather outside her apartment in Recoleta, a posh neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, the capital. As she was greeting some of them on September 1st, a man pointed a pistol close to her head and pulled the trigger. No shot was fired, seemingly because the gun malfunctioned. Argentina’s president, Alberto Fernández (no relation), called it the “gravest” event since the country returned to democracy in 1983. He declared a public holiday to allow tens of thousands of Peronists—the movement to which both belong—to march in support of the vice-president. But who is Ms Fernández, Argentina’s most polarising politician?

Born in 1953 into a modest family, her father a bus driver and her mother a clerk, Ms Fernández studied law at the University of La Plata, near Buenos Aires. There she met Néstor Kirchner, who became her husband and political partner. In 1976, to escape the attention of the country’s military dictatorship, the couple moved to Néstor’s home province of Santa Cruz, in remote Patagonia, where they made their political careers. He became governor and she a senator, establishing themselves as leaders of the leftist-populist wing of Peronism. Their breakthrough came in 2003 when Néstor was elected as Argentina’s president. She followed him in the job; after he died of a heart attack she won a second term.

In office she combined progressive measures, such as the legalising of same-sex marriage, with a nationalist and statist economic policy. She renationalised YPF, an oil company, and returned private pension funds to state hands. Helped by a boom in the prices of the agricultural exports she ramped up subsidies and handouts for poorer Argentines. Her rule was marked by conflict: she tried and failed to control the judiciary and private media groups; when she imposed windfall taxes on farmers, they staged big protests. She could not prevent her chief opponent, Mauricio Macri, a conservative businessman, from succeeding her in 2015. Ms Fernández returned to the Senate.

There, she engineered her revenge against Mr Macri by uniting the disparate factions of Peronism. She expediently gave the top slot on the movement’s presidential slate to Mr Fernández, who appealed to more moderate voters. Mr Fernández won the presidency in 2019, with Ms Fernández as his deputy. But their relationship soon suffered strain: she opposed his agreement with the IMF to renegotiate Argentina’s debts and blocked his efforts to curb the fiscal deficit.

A resilient and cunning politician who instinctively knows when to talk and when to stay silent, Ms Fernández has exploited Argentina’s penchant for melodrama and political theatre. She has framed her trial for corruption as a conspiracy by the judiciary, the media and business to silence a champion of the poor. But her star is waning: though she may run again for the presidency next year, her core support is now only around 25% of the electorate. Many of her opponents have claimed that the thwarted attempt on her life was staged to divert attention from the corruption case, although there is no evidence to suggest this. Peronism has rallied round her for now, but sympathy over the alleged assassination attempt may soon wear off. ■

2022年8月27日,在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷副总统克里斯蒂娜-费尔南德斯-德-基什内尔在她家门外集会时对支持者说,在费尔南德斯被指控犯有腐败案的几天后。REUTERS/Mariana Nedelcu

上个月,阿根廷一名检察官要求对该国副总统克里斯蒂娜-费尔南德斯-德-基什内尔(Cristina Fernández de Kirchner)判处12年监禁,因为她被指控参与向一名亲信提供填充的公共合同,使纳税人损失了10亿美元。费尔南德斯女士否认所有指控是政治迫害,呼吁她的支持者聚集在她位于首都布宜诺斯艾利斯高尚社区雷科莱塔的公寓外。9月1日,当她与其中一些人打招呼时,一名男子用手枪指着她的头并扣动了扳机。没有开枪,似乎是因为枪出了故障。阿根廷总统阿尔贝托-费尔南德斯(Alberto Fernández,非亲属)称这是该国1983年恢复民主以来 "最严重 "的事件。他宣布放假,让数以万计的贝隆主义者--两人都属于的运动--进行游行,支持副总统。但费尔南德斯女士是谁?




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