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本杰明-利斯特和戴维-麦克米伦 "表彰不对称有机催化的发展"

埃马纽埃尔-沙彭蒂耶和詹妮弗-A-杜德纳 "因开发了一种基因组编辑方法"

约翰-B-古德诺、M-斯坦利-惠廷安和Akira Yoshino "表彰对锂离子电池的开发"

弗朗西斯-H-阿诺德 "表彰酶的定向进化"

乔治-P-史密斯和格雷戈里-P-温特爵士 "表彰肽和抗体的噬菌体展示"

雅克-杜波切、约阿希姆-弗兰克和理查德-亨德森 "表彰他们开发了用于高分辨率确定溶液中生物分子结构的低温电子显微镜"

让-皮埃尔-索瓦格、J-弗雷泽-斯托达特爵士和伯纳德-L-费林加 "表彰分子机器的设计和合成"

托马斯-林达尔、保罗-莫德里奇和阿齐兹-桑卡尔 "表彰对DNA修复的机械研究"

埃里克-贝齐格、斯特凡-W-赫尔和威廉-E-莫尔纳 "表彰超分辨荧光显微镜的发展"

马丁-卡普斯、迈克尔-莱维特和阿里耶-瓦谢尔 "表彰对复杂化学系统的多尺度模型的开发" 。

罗伯特-J-莱夫科维茨和布莱恩-K-卡比尔卡 "表彰对G-蛋白偶联受体的研究"

丹-谢赫曼 "因发现类晶体"

理查德-F-赫克、根岸英一和铃木明 "表彰在有机合成中的钯催化交叉耦合"

文卡特拉曼-拉马克里什南、托马斯-A-施泰茨和阿达-E-约纳斯 "表彰对核糖体的结构和功能的研究"

下村修、马丁-查尔菲和罗杰-Y-钱 "表彰对绿色荧光蛋白GFP的发现和开发" 。

格哈德-埃特尔 "表彰他对固体表面化学过程的研究"

罗杰-D-科恩伯格 "表彰他对真核生物转录的分子基础的研究"

Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs和Richard R. Schrock "表彰他在有机合成中开发了元合成方法" 。

亚伦-切查诺弗、阿夫拉姆-赫什科和欧文-罗斯 "表彰发现泛素介导的蛋白质降解"


彼得-阿格尔 "表彰水通道的发现"

罗德里克-麦金农 "表彰对离子通道的结构和机制研究"


约翰-B-芬恩和田中耕一 "表彰他们开发了用于生物大分子质谱分析的软解吸电离方法"

库尔特-乌斯里希 "表彰他开发了核磁共振光谱,用于确定溶液中生物大分子的三维结构"

William S. Knowles和Ryoji Noyori "表彰他们在手性催化的氢化反应方面的工作"

K. 巴里-沙普拉斯 "表彰他在手性催化氧化反应方面的工作"

Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid 和 Hideki Shirakawa "以表彰发现和开发导电聚合物"

艾哈迈德-H-泽韦尔 "表彰他利用飞秒光谱学研究化学反应的过渡态"

沃尔特-科恩 "表彰他对密度函数理论的发展"

约翰-A-波普尔 "表彰他对量子化学计算方法的发展"

保罗-D-博耶和约翰-E-沃克 "以表彰他们对三磷酸腺苷(ATP)合成的酶学机制的阐释"

Jens C. Skou "以表彰首次发现离子运输酶,Na+, K+ -ATP酶"

小罗伯特-F-库尔、哈罗德-W-克罗托爵士和理查德-E-斯马利 "表彰他们发现富勒烯"

Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina 和 F. Sherwood Rowland "以表彰他们在大气化学方面的工作,特别是关于臭氧的形成和分解"

乔治-A-奥拉 "表彰他对碳原子化学的贡献"


Kary B. Mullis "表彰他发明的聚合酶链式反应(PCR)方法"

迈克尔-史密斯 "表彰他对建立基于寡核苷酸的定点诱变及其在蛋白质研究中的发展所做出的基本贡献"

鲁道夫-A-马库斯 "表彰他对化学系统中电子转移反应理论的贡献"

理查德-恩斯特(Richard R. Ernst) "表彰他对发展高分辨率核磁共振(NMR)光谱学方法的贡献"

Elias James Corey "表彰他对有机合成的理论和方法的发展"

西德尼-奥特曼和托马斯-R-切赫 "表彰他们发现了RNA的催化特性"

约翰-德森霍夫、罗伯特-胡贝尔和哈特穆特-米歇尔 "因确定了光合反应中心的三维结构"

唐纳德-J-克拉姆、让-玛丽-莱恩和查尔斯-J-佩德森 "表彰他们开发和使用具有高选择性的特定结构相互作用的分子"

Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee 和 John C. Polanyi "以表彰他们对化学基本过程的动力学的贡献"

赫伯特-A-豪普曼和杰罗姆-卡勒 "表彰他们在发展直接确定晶体结构的方法方面的杰出成就"

罗伯特-布鲁斯-梅里菲尔德 "以表彰他开发了在固体基质上进行化学合成的方法"

亨利-陶贝 "表彰他对电子转移反应机制的研究,特别是在金属配合物中的研究"

阿伦-克鲁格 "以表彰他对结晶学电子显微镜的发展以及他对具有生物学意义的核酸-蛋白质复合物的结构性阐释"

福井健一和罗尔德-霍夫曼 "因其独立发展的关于化学反应过程的理论"

保罗-伯格 "表彰他对核酸生物化学的基本研究,特别是对重组DNA的研究"

沃尔特-吉尔伯特和弗雷德里克-桑格 "表彰他们在确定核酸中的碱基序列方面的贡献"

赫伯特-C-布朗和乔治-维蒂希 "表彰他们将含硼和含磷的化合物分别发展为有机合成的重要试剂"

彼得-D-米切尔 "表彰他通过提出化学运动理论对理解生物能量传递的贡献"

伊利亚-普里戈金 "表彰他对非平衡热力学的贡献,特别是对耗散结构的理论"

威廉-N-利普斯科姆 "表彰他对硼烷结构的研究阐明了化学键的问题"

John Warcup Cornforth "表彰他在酶催化反应的立体化学方面的工作"

弗拉基米尔-普罗格 "表彰他对有机分子和反应的立体化学的研究"

保罗-J-弗洛里 "表彰他在大分子物理化学方面的理论和实验的基本成就"

恩斯特-奥托-费舍尔和杰弗里-威尔金森 "表彰他们独立完成的关于有机金属,即所谓的三明治化合物的化学的开创性工作"

安芬森(Christian B. Anfinsen) "表彰他在核糖核酸酶方面的工作,特别是关于氨基酸序列与生物活性构象之间的联系"

斯坦福-摩尔和威廉-H-斯坦因 "表彰他们对核糖核酸酶分子活性中心的化学结构和催化活性之间的联系的理解"

格哈德-赫兹伯格 "表彰他对分子,特别是自由基的电子结构和几何学知识的贡献"

路易斯-F-莱洛尔 "表彰他发现了糖核苷酸及其在碳水化合物生物合成中的作用"

Derek H. R. Barton和Odd Hassel "表彰他们对构象概念的发展及其在化学中的应用的贡献"

拉斯-昂萨格 "表彰他发现了以他的名字命名的相互关系,这对不可逆过程的热力学是至关重要的"

曼弗雷德-艾根、罗纳德-乔治-沃雷福德-诺里什和乔治-波特 "表彰他们对极快的化学反应的研究,这些反应是通过极短的能量脉冲来扰乱平衡的"

罗伯特-S-穆尔利肯 "表彰他通过分子轨道法对化学键和分子的电子结构所做的基本工作"

罗伯特-伯恩斯-伍德沃德 "表彰他在有机合成艺术方面的杰出成就"

多萝西-克罗夫特-霍奇金 "表彰她用X射线技术确定了重要生化物质的结构"

卡尔-齐格勒和朱利奥-纳塔 "因其在高分子化学和技术领域的发现"

马克斯-费迪南德-佩鲁兹和约翰-考德利-肯德鲁 "因其对球状蛋白质结构的研究"

梅尔文-卡尔文 "因其对植物中二氧化碳同化作用的研究"

威拉德-弗兰克-利比 "表彰他在考古学、地质学、地球物理学和其他科学分支中使用碳-14测定年龄的方法"

雅罗斯拉夫-海洛夫斯基 "以表彰他发现和发展了极谱分析方法"

弗雷德里克-桑格 "因其对蛋白质结构的研究,特别是对胰岛素的研究"

陶德(Alexander R.)"表彰他在核苷酸和核苷酸辅酶方面的工作"

西里尔-诺曼-辛塞尔伍德爵士和尼古拉-尼古拉耶维奇-谢苗诺夫 "因其对化学反应机制的研究"

文森特-杜-维尼奥 "以表彰他对具有生物化学意义的硫化合物的研究,特别是对多肽激素的首次合成"

莱纳斯-卡尔-鲍林 "表彰他对化学键的性质的研究及其在阐明复杂物质结构方面的应用"

赫尔曼-施陶丁格 "因其在大分子化学领域的发现"

阿切尔-约翰-波特-马丁和理查德-劳伦斯-米林顿-辛格 "因其发明了分区色谱法"

埃德温-马蒂森-麦克米伦和格伦-西奥多-西博格 "因其在超铀元素化学中的发现"

奥托-保罗-赫尔曼-迪尔斯和库尔特-阿尔德 "因其发现和发展了二烯合成"

威廉-弗朗西斯-乔克 "表彰他在化学热力学领域的贡献,特别是关于物质在极低温度下的行为"

阿纳-威廉-考林-蒂塞利乌斯 "表彰他在电泳和吸附分析方面的研究,特别是他对血清蛋白复杂性质的发现"

罗伯特-罗宾逊爵士 "表彰他对具有生物重要性的植物产品,特别是生物碱的研究"

詹姆斯-巴切尔-萨姆纳 "以表彰他发现酶可以被结晶"

约翰-霍华德-诺斯罗普和温德尔-梅雷迪思-斯坦利 "以表彰他们对酶和病毒蛋白的纯化制备"

阿图里-伊尔马里-维尔塔宁 "因其在农业和营养化学方面的研究和发明,特别是他的饲料保存方法"

奥托-哈恩 "因为他发现了重核的裂变"

乔治-德-赫维西 "表彰他在研究化学过程中使用同位素作为示踪剂的工作"




阿道夫-弗里德里希-约翰-布特南特 "因其在性激素方面的工作"

利奥波德-鲁齐卡 "因其在多甲基和高级萜类方面的工作"

理查德-库恩 "因其在类胡萝卜素和维生素方面的工作"

沃尔特-诺曼-霍沃斯 "因其对碳水化合物和维生素C的研究"

保罗-卡勒 "因其对类胡萝卜素、黄素以及维生素A和B2的研究"

佩特鲁斯-约瑟夫-威廉姆斯-戴比 "表彰他通过对偶极矩和X射线及电子在气体中的衍射的研究对我们的分子结构知识的贡献"

弗雷德里克-约里奥和伊雷娜-约里奥-居里 "以表彰他们对新的放射性元素的合成"

哈罗德-克莱顿-乌瑞 "表彰他发现了重氢"


欧文-朗缪尔 "因其在表面化学方面的发现和调查"

卡尔-博世和弗里德里希-贝吉乌斯 "以表彰他们对发明和发展化学高压方法的贡献"

汉斯-费舍尔 "表彰他对血红素和叶绿素的构成的研究,特别是他对血红素的合成"

阿瑟-哈登和汉斯-卡尔-奥古斯特-西蒙-冯-尤勒-切尔平 "因其对糖的发酵和发酵酶的研究"

阿道夫-奥托-莱因霍尔德-温道斯 "表彰他对甾醇的构成及其与维生素的关系所做的研究"

海因里希-奥托-维兰德 "因其对胆汁酸和相关物质的构成的调查"

西奥多-斯维德伯格 "因其在分散系统方面的工作"

理查德-阿道夫-齐格蒙德 "以表彰他对胶体溶液的异质性的证明和他所使用的方法,这些方法后来成为现代胶体化学的基础"


弗里茨-普雷格 "因为他发明了有机物的微分析方法"

弗朗西斯-威廉-阿斯顿 "表彰他通过质谱仪发现了大量非放射性元素中的同位素,并阐明了整数规则"

弗雷德里克-索迪 "因为他对我们的放射性物质化学知识的贡献,以及他对同位素的起源和性质的调查"

沃尔特-赫尔曼-恩斯特 "以表彰他在热化学方面的工作"


弗里茨-哈伯 "因从元素中合成氨"。



理查德-马丁-威尔斯塔特 "因其对植物色素,特别是叶绿素的研究"

西奥多-威廉-理查兹 "以表彰他对大量化学元素的原子量的精确测定"

阿尔弗雷德-维尔纳 "表彰他对分子中原子的联系所做的工作,他通过这项工作对早期的研究提出了新的看法,并开辟了新的研究领域,特别是在无机化学方面"

维克多-格里尼亚尔 "因为他发现了所谓的格里尼亚尔试剂,近年来大大推动了有机化学的发展"

保罗-萨巴蒂埃 "表彰他在细碎金属存在下使有机化合物氢化的方法,据此近年来大大推动了有机化学的进展"


奥托-瓦拉赫 "以表彰他在脂环族化合物领域的开创性工作对有机化学和化学工业的贡献"

威廉-奥斯特瓦尔德 "以表彰他在催化方面的工作以及他对支配化学平衡和反应速率的基本原则的调查"

欧内斯特-卢瑟福 "表彰他对元素解体和放射性物质化学的调查"

爱德华-布赫纳 "为他的生物化学研究和他发现的无细胞发酵"

亨利-莫桑 "以表彰他在研究和分离氟元素方面所做的巨大贡献,以及在科学领域采用以他名字命名的电炉"

约翰-弗里德里希-威廉-阿道夫-冯-贝耶尔 "表彰他通过对有机染料和氢芳烃化合物的研究,为推动有机化学和化学工业的发展所做的贡献"

威廉-拉姆塞爵士 "表彰他在发现空气中的惰性气体元素方面的贡献,以及他对这些元素在周期系中的地位的确定"

斯万特-奥古斯特-阿伦纽斯 "以表彰他通过电解离解理论对化学的发展所作出的特殊贡献"

赫尔曼-埃米尔-费舍尔 "以表彰他在糖和嘌呤合成方面的工作所作出的特殊贡献"

雅各布-亨里库斯-范特霍夫 "以表彰他通过发现化学动力学和溶液中的渗透压规律而作出的非凡贡献"

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022 has not been awarded yet. It will be announced on Wednesday 5 October, 11:45 CEST at the earliest.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021
Benjamin List and David MacMillan “for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020
Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna “for the development of a method for genome editing”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019
John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino “for the development of lithium-ion batteries”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
Frances H. Arnold “for the directed evolution of enzymes”

George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter “for the phage display of peptides and antibodies”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson “for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016
Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Feringa ”for the design and synthesis of molecular machines”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015
Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar “for mechanistic studies of DNA repair”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014
Eric Betzig, Stefan W. Hell and William E. Moerner “for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013
Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel “for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012
Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K. Kobilka “for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011
Dan Shechtman “for the discovery of quasicrystals”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010
Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki “for palladium-catalyzed cross couplings in organic synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz and Ada E. Yonath “for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008
Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Y. Tsien “for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007
Gerhard Ertl ”for his studies of chemical processes on solid surfaces”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006
Roger D. Kornberg ”for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005
Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock ”for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004
Aaron Ciechanover, Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose ”for the discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2003
“for discoveries concerning channels in cell membranes”

Peter Agre ”for the discovery of water channels”

Roderick MacKinnon ”for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002
“for the development of methods for identification and structure analyses of biological macromolecules”

John B. Fenn and Koichi Tanaka ”for their development of soft desorption ionisation methods for mass spectrometric analyses of biological macromolecules”.

Kurt Wüthrich ”for his development of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in solution”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001
William S. Knowles and Ryoji Noyori ”for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions”

K. Barry Sharpless ”for his work on chirally catalysed oxidation reactions”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000
Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa ”for the discovery and development of conductive polymers”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999
Ahmed H. Zewail ”for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1998
Walter Kohn ”for his development of the density-functional theory”

John A. Pople ”for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1997
Paul D. Boyer and John E. Walker ”for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)”

Jens C. Skou ”for the first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+ -ATPase”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996
Robert F. Curl Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto and Richard E. Smalley “for their discovery of fullerenes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1995
Paul J. Crutzen, Mario J. Molina and F. Sherwood Rowland “for their work in atmospheric chemistry, particularly concerning the formation and decomposition of ozone”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1994
George A. Olah “for his contribution to carbocation chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993
“for contributions to the developments of methods within DNA-based chemistry”

Kary B. Mullis ”for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method”

Michael Smith ”for his fundamental contributions to the establishment of oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagenesis and its development for protein studies”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1992
Rudolph A. Marcus ”for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1991
Richard R. Ernst ”for his contributions to the development of the methodology of high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990
Elias James Corey ”for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1989
Sidney Altman and Thomas R. Cech ”for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1988
Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber and Hartmut Michel ”for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1987
Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn and Charles J. Pedersen ”for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986
Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee and John C. Polanyi ”for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1985
Herbert A. Hauptman and Jerome Karle “for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1984
Robert Bruce Merrifield “for his development of methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1983
Henry Taube “for his work on the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1982
Aaron Klug “for his development of crystallographic electron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nucleic acid-protein complexes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1981
Kenichi Fukui and Roald Hoffmann “for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980
Paul Berg ”for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA”

Walter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger “for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1979
Herbert C. Brown and Georg Wittig “for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively, into important reagents in organic synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1978
Peter D. Mitchell “for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977
Ilya Prigogine “for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976
William N. Lipscomb “for his studies on the structure of boranes illuminating problems of chemical bonding”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1975
John Warcup Cornforth “for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions”

Vladimir Prelog ”for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1974
Paul J. Flory ”for his fundamental achievements, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of the macromolecules”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1973
Ernst Otto Fischer and Geoffrey Wilkinson “for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1972
Christian B. Anfinsen “for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active conformation”

Stanford Moore and William H. Stein “for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1971
Gerhard Herzberg “for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1970
Luis F. Leloir ”for his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969
Derek H. R. Barton and Odd Hassel “for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1968
Lars Onsager “for the discovery of the reciprocal relations bearing his name, which are fundamental for the thermodynamics of irreversible processes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1967
Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and George Porter ”for their studies of extremely fast chemical reactions, effected by disturbing the equilibrium by means of very short pulses of energy”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1966
Robert S. Mulliken “for his fundamental work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules by the molecular orbital method”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1965
Robert Burns Woodward “for his outstanding achievements in the art of organic synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1964
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin ”for her determinations by X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1963
Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta “for their discoveries in the field of the chemistry and technology of high polymers”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1962
Max Ferdinand Perutz and John Cowdery Kendrew “for their studies of the structures of globular proteins”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1961
Melvin Calvin “for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960
Willard Frank Libby “for his method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1959
Jaroslav Heyrovsky “for his discovery and development of the polarographic methods of analysis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958
Frederick Sanger “for his work on the structure of proteins, especially that of insulin”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1957
Lord (Alexander R.) Todd “for his work on nucleotides and nucleotide co-enzymes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1956
Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov ”for their researches into the mechanism of chemical reactions”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1955
Vincent du Vigneaud ”for his work on biochemically important sulphur compounds, especially for the first synthesis of a polypeptide hormone”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954
Linus Carl Pauling ”for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1953
Hermann Staudinger “for his discoveries in the field of macromolecular chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1952
Archer John Porter Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge “for their invention of partition chromatography”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951
Edwin Mattison McMillan and Glenn Theodore Seaborg “for their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranium elements”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1950
Otto Paul Hermann Diels and Kurt Alder “for their discovery and development of the diene synthesis”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1949
William Francis Giauque “for his contributions in the field of chemical thermodynamics, particularly concerning the behaviour of substances at extremely low temperatures”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1948
Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius “for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis, especially for his discoveries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1947
Sir Robert Robinson ”for his investigations on plant products of biological importance, especially the alkaloids”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1946
James Batcheller Sumner “for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized”

John Howard Northrop and Wendell Meredith Stanley ”for their preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in a pure form”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1945
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen “for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
Otto Hahn “for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1943
George de Hevesy “for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1942
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1941
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1940
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939
Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt “for his work on sex hormones”

Leopold Ruzicka “for his work on polymethylenes and higher terpenes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1938
Richard Kuhn ”for his work on carotenoids and vitamins”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1937
Walter Norman Haworth “for his investigations on carbohydrates and vitamin C”

Paul Karrer “for his investigations on carotenoids, flavins and vitamins A and B2”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1936
Petrus (Peter) Josephus Wilhelmus Debye “for his contributions to our knowledge of molecular structure through his investigations on dipole moments and on the diffraction of X-rays and electrons in gases”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1935
Frédéric Joliot and Irène Joliot-Curie “in recognition of their synthesis of new radioactive elements”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1934
Harold Clayton Urey “for his discovery of heavy hydrogen”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1933
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1932
Irving Langmuir “for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1931
Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius ”in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930
Hans Fischer “for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1929
Arthur Harden and Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin “for their investigations on the fermentation of sugar and fermentative enzymes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1928
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus ”for the services rendered through his research into the constitution of the sterols and their connection with the vitamins”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927
Heinrich Otto Wieland “for his investigations of the constitution of the bile acids and related substances”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1926
The (Theodor) Svedberg ”for his work on disperse systems”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1925
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy “for his demonstration of the heterogenous nature of colloid solutions and for the methods he used, which have since become fundamental in modern colloid chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1924
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923
Fritz Pregl “for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922
Francis William Aston “for his discovery, by means of his mass spectrograph, of isotopes, in a large number of non-radioactive elements, and for his enunciation of the whole-number rule”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1921
Frederick Soddy ”for his contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of radioactive substances, and his investigations into the origin and nature of isotopes”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1920
Walther Hermann Nernst “in recognition of his work in thermochemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1919
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1918
Fritz Haber “for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1917
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1916
No Nobel Prize was awarded this year. The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1915
Richard Martin Willstätter “for his researches on plant pigments, especially chlorophyll”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1914
Theodore William Richards ”in recognition of his accurate determinations of the atomic weight of a large number of chemical elements”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1913
Alfred Werner “in recognition of his work on the linkage of atoms in molecules by which he has thrown new light on earlier investigations and opened up new fields of research especially in inorganic chemistry”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1912
Victor Grignard “for the discovery of the so-called Grignard reagent, which in recent years has greatly advanced the progress of organic chemistry”

Paul Sabatier “for his method of hydrogenating organic compounds in the presence of finely disintegrated metals whereby the progress of organic chemistry has been greatly advanced in recent years”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911
Marie Curie, née Sklodowska “in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910
Otto Wallach “in recognition of his services to organic chemistry and the chemical industry by his pioneer work in the field of alicyclic compounds”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909
Wilhelm Ostwald “in recognition of his work on catalysis and for his investigations into the fundamental principles governing chemical equilibria and rates of reaction”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908
Ernest Rutherford “for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1907
Eduard Buchner “for his biochemical researches and his discovery of cell-free fermentation”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1906
Henri Moissan ”in recognition of the great services rendered by him in his investigation and isolation of the element fluorine, and for the adoption in the service of science of the electric furnace called after him”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1905
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer “in recognition of his services in the advancement of organic chemistry and the chemical industry, through his work on organic dyes and hydroaromatic compounds”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1904
Sir William Ramsay ”in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air, and his determination of their place in the periodic system”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1903
Svante August Arrhenius “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered to the advancement of chemistry by his electrolytic theory of dissociation”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1902
Hermann Emil Fischer ”in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work on sugar and purine syntheses”

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1901
Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions”
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