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Released On: 22 Mar 2020
Dame Helena Morrissey is a former City fund manager and chief executive of a major investment company, who has also campaigned to boost the number of women in the boardroom. Newspapers regularly describe her as 'Superwoman', because alongside her many professional achievements, she's the mother of nine children.
Helena Morrissey is the daughter of two teachers, and her drive was evident from an early age. She was - by her own admission - a 'manic Brownie', striving to gain the maximum number of badges, and she also played the piano to a high standard. She won a place at Cambridge University from her comprehensive school in Chichester, and on graduating, joined an asset management company in their New York office. On her return to London, she felt that she was denied promotion because she had a young baby.
She moved to Newton Investment Management, and at the age of 35 she was appointed the CEO - a role she was not expecting to take. Under her leadership, the company's assets grew from £20 billion to £50 billion. In 2010 she established the 30% Club, campaigning for better female representation on the boards of British companies, and in 2017 she received a DBE for services to diversity in the financial sector.
She lives in London with her husband Richard, who gave up full time work to look after their many children.
DISC ONE: My Sweet Lord by George Harrison
DISC TWO: Polonaise in A Flat, Op. 53, Heroic, composed by Frédéric François Chopin and performed by Arthur Rubenstein
DISC THREE: We've Only Just Begun by The Carpenters
DISC FOUR: Being Boring by Pet Shop Boys
DISC FIVE: Moon River by Audrey Hepburn
DISC SIX: Calm Down by The Clementines
DISC SEVEN: Condolence by Benjamin Clementine
DISC EIGHT: God Is by Kanye West
BOOK CHOICE: Much Obliged, Jeeves by P. G .Wodehouse
LUXURY ITEM: A grand piano
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: My Sweet Lord by George Harrison
海伦娜-莫里斯夫人是前城市基金经理和一家大型投资公司的首席执行官,她还为增加董事会中的女性人数而开展活动。报纸经常描述她为 "女超人",因为除了她的许多职业成就外,她还是九个孩子的母亲。
海伦娜-莫里斯是两位教师的女儿,她的动力从很小的时候就很明显。她自己承认,她是一个 "狂热的布朗尼",努力获得最大数量的徽章,而且她的钢琴演奏也达到了很高的水平。她在奇切斯特的综合学校赢得了剑桥大学的一个名额,毕业后加入了一家资产管理公司的纽约办事处。回到伦敦后,她觉得自己被拒绝晋升,因为她有一个年轻的孩子。
DISC ONE: 乔治-哈里森的《我亲爱的上帝
DISC TWO: A调波兰舞曲,作品53,英雄曲,由弗雷德里克-弗朗索瓦-肖邦作曲,阿瑟-鲁宾斯坦演奏。
DISC THREE: We've Only Just Begun by The Carpenters.
DISC 4:Pet Shop Boys的《Being Boring》。
DISC 5:奥黛丽-赫本的《月亮河》。
DISC六:Calm Down by The Clementines
DISC七:Benjamin Clementine的《哀悼》。
DISC EIGHT:Kanye West的《God Is》。
书籍选择:Much Obliged, Jeeves by P. G. Wodehouse
卡斯泰韦的最爱:乔治-哈里森的《我亲爱的上帝》。 |