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Baroness Newlove is the Victims' Commissioner for England and Wales. She became a campaigner after her husband, Garry Newlove, was murdered by several youths in 2007. Born in Salford in 1961 she grew up in a working class family. Having left school at sixteen she became a copy typist at a magistrate's court and later a committal court assistant. She met Garry when she was 20 and they married and had two daughters. In 1992, when he was just 32, Garry was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He survived and the couple went on to have a third daughter.
The family lived in an area of Warrington which was experiencing an increase in anti-social behaviour. In August 2007, Garry went outside to investigate a disturbance and was viciously attacked by some youths in front of his three daughters. Three days later, the decision was taken to switch off his life support. Three youths were subsequently found guilty of Garry's murder and in the wake of the family's experience, Helen set up an initiative called Newlove Warrington to provide support to the young people in the area.
She was given a peerage in 2010 and sits on the Conservative benches. She took up various roles in support of victims in the House of Lords, culminating in her appointment as Victims' Commissioner, a post she took up in 2013. She is currently in her second term and will be serving in the post until 2019.
纽爱男爵夫人是英格兰和威尔士的受害者专员。在她的丈夫加里-纽洛(Garry Newlove)于2007年被几个年轻人谋杀后,她成为一名人权活动家。她于1961年出生于索尔福德,在一个工人阶级家庭长大。16岁离开学校后,她成为一个治安法庭的复印打字员,后来成为拘押法庭的助理。她在20岁时遇到了加里,他们结婚并有两个女儿。1992年,加里刚满32岁时被诊断出患有胃癌。他活了下来,这对夫妇后来又有了第三个女儿。
他们家住在沃灵顿的一个地区,那里的反社会行为越来越多。2007年8月,加里到外面调查一场骚乱,在他的三个女儿面前遭到一些年轻人的恶毒攻击。三天后,决定关闭他的生命维持系统。随后,三名青年被认定犯有谋杀加里的罪行。在这个家庭的经历之后,海伦成立了一个名为Newlove Warrington的倡议,为该地区的年轻人提供支持。
她在2010年被授予贵族身份,并坐在保守党的席位上。她在上议院担任了各种支持受害者的职务,最终被任命为受害者专员,她于2013年担任这一职务。目前,她正处于第二个任期,并将在该职位上任职至2019年。 |