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[2015.11.21]性教育 床楼梦

2015-11-24 20:35| 发布者: tom| 查看: 2579580| 评论: 10|原作者: zhengdetaileile

摘要: 中国农业大学北京校区的讲堂里坐了超过150位本科生,他们齐声说着类似于“性、性爱、性交、阴茎、阴道”等词语。他们中有多人正处于性欲旺盛时期,有的人也即将迎来这一时期。但是对他们大多数人来说,这是他们上的 ...
Sex education

Dream of the bed chamber

1 “SEX, sex, sexual intercourse, penis, penis, vagina.” More than 150 undergraduates are sitting in a lecture hall at China Agricultural University in Beijing, shouting loudly. Many are sexually active, or soon will be. Yet for most it is the first sex education class they have attended.中国农业大学北京校区的讲堂里坐了超过150位本科生,他们齐声说着类似于“性、性爱、性交、阴茎、阴道”等词语。他们中有多人正处于性欲旺盛时期,有的人也即将迎来这一时期。但是对他们大多数人来说,这是他们上的第一堂性教育课。

2 Their instructor hopes that shouting such words will help youngsters talk more openly about sex. Lu Zhongbao, a 24-year-old forestry student, says he was told as a child that he “emerged from a rock”. When he started having sex with his university girlfriend he had little idea about contraception. This evening he arrived an hour early armed with another question: will masturbating damage his health?

3 It is not just China’s economy that has loosened up since 1979. The country is in the midst of a sexual revolution. A 2012 study found that more than 70% of Chinese people have sex before marriage. Other polls put that figure lower but consistently indicate that over the past 30 years, more young Chinese are doing it, with more partners, at a younger age. But a lack of sex education means that many are not protecting themselves, resulting in soaring abortion rates and a rise in sexually transmitted diseases.

4 The Communist Party has stuck its nose into people’s bedrooms for 30 years through its harsh family-planning policies. Yet taboos on sex before marriage prevailed, the result of paternalistic—not religious—values about female chastity, with a dose of Communist asceticism thrown in. Pre-marital sex fell foul of a range of laws, including the catch-all charge of “hooliganism”, only scrapped in 1997.

5 The social climate remains chilly. Most news items about sex involve scandals or crimes. Schools ban pupils from dating and many deploy “morality patrols” to root out flirting or frolicking couples. Sex outside wedlock is not illegal but children born to unmarried mothers face obstacles obtaining a hukou, or household residency, that entitles them to subsidised education and welfare. Yet with greater freedom from their parents, more money and increasing exposure to permissive influences from abroad, China’s youth are clearly separating sex from procreation.

6 Education on the subject is compulsory in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan—societies that have some cultural similarities with China. But most Chinese schools teach only basic anatomy.

7 This is not entirely for lack of trying. Pilot campaigns in Shanghai and Beijing schools in the 1980s were incorporated into a nationwide programme in 1988 but it was never implemented. In 2008 the Ministry of Education included sex education in the national health and hygiene curriculum. The barriers are not just prudery. Like football, fashion and other teenage pastimes, sex (and learning about it) is seen as a distraction from studies. “Sex is not an exam subject,” says Sheng Yingyi, a 21-year-old student.

8 Where classes happen, most students are merely given a textbook. “Happy Middle School Students”, written for 12- to 15-year-olds in 2006 and still widely used, refers to sperm meeting egg without describing the mechanics of intercourse. A more explicit volume for primary-school pupils published in 2011, which did explain how sperm were delivered, was criticised for being pornographic.

9 The dominant message is to abstain. A 2013 review by UNESCO and Beijing Forestry University noted the prevalence of “terror-based” sex education, with content largely focused on the horrors of pregnancy, abortion and HIV. Earlier this month a university in Xi’an in central China ran a course entitled “No Regrets Youth” where students received a “commitment card”, essentially a pledge to remain a virgin until marriage.

We need to talk 我们要谈谈
10 There is almost no discussion in Chinese schools about love, communication or trust, how to say no or to deal with harassment or abuse. Homosexuality is not discussed, and Chinese parents rarely talk with their children about sex. Peng Xiaohui of Central China Normal University, who runs sex-education classes (including the one at China Agricultural University), had excrement thrown at him last year because of the work he does. Several Chinese and foreign NGOs have tried to fill the gap, but many are now wary after the month-long detention this year of five feminists who had launched a campaign against sexual harassment. Most Chinese youths find out about sex from the internet and online pornography.

11 That does not work well. Because of the mismatch between lust and learning, around a quarter of all sexually active women under 24 get pregnant by mistake. Half of them do not use prophylactics, some because they know little about them, others because of insufficient access.

12 The pill is not widely used in China, even by married women. The government encourages the use of intra-uterine devices which provide less chance of human error. Until last year advertising condoms on television was banned (abortion, by contrast, is widely promoted). Convenience stores sell condoms, but they are not always available near college campuses.

13 Those who do use prophylactics often use them wrongly: a 2014 study found that a quarter of under-17s who got pregnant had used some form of birth control. There is also a flourishing trade in “counterfeit condoms”, shoddily made sheaths being passed off as popular name brands. As a result sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise; 91% of new HIV cases are from sexual contact.

Dirty secrets 肮脏的秘密
14 It is hardly surprising that the abortion rate is so high. The one-child policy has made termination a normal phenomenon. Most clinics, private or state, put a premium on speed and offer no advice on how to avoid getting pregnant again. So repeat abortions are common: a study of nearly 80,000 Chinese women who terminated pregnancies in 2013, published in October by the Lancet, a British journal, found that 37% were doing so for the second time, and 29% for a third time or more. Unmarried women account for a rising share of these—and are a significant reason why, after an extended period of decline, terminations have been increasing in number since 2003.

15 Although China has no national system for counting abortions (official statistics include only state facilities), a researcher from the National Health and Family Planning Commission reckons there could be 13m terminations or more a year, a figure widely quoted in state media. But Marie Stopes, an international reproductive-health agency, reckons that figure could be as high as 40m, given domestic sales for pharmaceutical companies selling drugs used in terminations. If that number is correct, around half of all abortions worldwide are in China. The high number of terminations is in marked contrast to the low birth rate. If Marie Stopes is correct, 2.5 babies are aborted in China for every one born, compared with about two live births per termination in Russia and five births to one abortion in America. Even using the widely cited 13m figure, there are nearly as many abortions as births in China each year. That, and not frank talk about sex, is China’s shame.








引用 mxrruler 2015-11-21 15:42
sexually active 已有过性行为,不是“正处于性欲旺盛时期”
引用 不帅你就报警 2015-11-21 19:16
引用 zhengdetaileile 2015-11-21 20:25
mxrruler 发表于 2015-11-21 15:42
sexually active 已有过性行为,不是“正处于性欲旺盛时期”

引用 fsz 2015-11-22 17:56
“SEX, sex, sexual intercourse, penis, penis, vagina.” More than 150 undergraduates are sitting in a lecture hall at China Agricultural University in Beijing, shouting loudly. Many are sexually active, or soon will be. Yet for most it is the first sex education class they have attended.中国农业大学北京校区的讲堂里坐了超过150位本科生,他们齐声说着类似于“性、性爱、性交、阴茎、阴道”等词语。他们中有多人正处于性欲旺盛时期,有的人也即将迎来这一时期。但是对他们大多数人来说,这是他们上的第一堂性教育课。

1。undergraduates: a university student who has not yet received a first degree  还没有拿到本科学历。

2。are sitting 的现在进行时,在译文中怎么体现的?

3。  China Agricultural University in Beijing  中国农业大学北京校区  中国农业大学在其他城市还有校区码?确实有个烟台分校。但是分校和校区是两个截然不同的概念。

4 。Someone who is active moves around a lot or does a lot of things. 好动的  
       If you have an active mind or imagination, you are always thinking of new things. (思维或想像力) 活跃的
       If someone is active in an organization, cause, or campaign, they do things for it rather than just giving it their support. 积极主动的

5。he was told as a child that he “emerged from a rock”  这句话能直译一下码?然后与译文对比一下。
引用 zhengdetaileile 2015-11-22 18:28
fsz 发表于 2015-11-22 17:56
1。undergraduates: a university student who has not yet received a first degree  还没有拿到本科学 ...

引用 ecocnbell 2015-11-25 06:03
引用 mylta 2015-11-25 12:51
ecocnbell: 床楼梦不如红床梦

有人把《红楼梦》英译为 "Dream of the red chamber", 如果本原文作者真地借用了这个书名(仅改了一个字母),本文标题译为《床楼梦》倒也不错。
引用 zhengdetaileile 2015-11-25 13:43
mylta 发表于 2015-11-25 12:51
有人把《红楼梦》英译为 "Dream of the red chamber", 如果本原文作者真地借用了这个书名(仅改了一个字 ...

引用 zhengdetaileile 2015-11-25 13:46
ecocnbell 发表于 2015-11-25 06:03

红在题目中没有出现,而且The dream of red chamber是红楼梦的英译,红床梦似乎不太贴近。谢谢点评!
引用 ecocnbell 2015-12-15 23:23
zhengdetaileile 发表于 2015-11-25 13:46
红在题目中没有出现,而且The dream of red chamber是红楼梦的英译,红床梦似乎不太贴近。谢谢点评! ...

这里明显用的是红楼梦的pun,1. bed和red,2. 红楼梦是中国早期敢于大胆描述性内容的文学作品,和文章内容相关,3. 红字在中文里本就可引申性含义,4. 楼字才真正和文章无关,题目中保留了chamber只是出于对书名的引用,5. 如果在没看到文章之前,仅仅“红床”和“床楼”两个词,哪一个更容易让人联想到性,应该是比较明显的。


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