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Kennedy Scholars 2018
Dr Laura Heath 27
Harvard School of Public Health MPH
Laura is currently an Academic Clinical Fellow in Primary Care, with a particular interest in behavioural medicine: the intersection of lifestyle choices and population health. Laura studied medicine at Cambridge and UCL, following a highly successful academic career at her local state school in Leicestershire.Proactive in seeking out opportunities, Laura has worked with research groups in women’s health and sexual health at UCL, before moving to Oxford for her Academic Foundation Programme. Here, she has worked on projects with the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group and on clinical trials for weight loss interventions in primary care.   She welcomes the opportunity to spend time at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy at Harvard. The MPH will also give her skills in epidemiology and the science of public health practice, which will equip her to continue research alongside her clinical practice. Laura is also a keen runner and looks forward to exploring the Boston trails.

Ronak Jain 23
Economics Doctoral Programme Harvard GSAS
Ronak’s goal is to become an academic development economist.  She hopes to work with Michael Kremer, the Gates Professor of Developing Societies at Harvard.  Ronak began undertaking research projects at ‘A’ level, achieved a prize-winning First in Economics at Cambridge and was ranked first in the first year of her MPhil at Oxford where her thesis is pushing boundaries in both theoretical modelling and structural econometric estimation. Alongside her degrees, Ronak has continued to gain experience in development research projects – with DfiD, at Oxford Policy Management, and at the Centre for Civil Society in New Delhi where research in education has led to her MPhil thesis. At Cambridge, Ronak was selected and sponsored for Churchill College’s Next Generation Leaders Development Programme. Her undergraduate dissertation was Regional Winner for Europe in The Undergraduate Awards, Economics. Ronak’s GCSEs were taken in a school where over 20% are eligible for free school meals.

Renée Kapuku 21
Harvard Graduate School of Education EdM
Renée writes: “my experiences as a Black African growing up in a working-class household in Haringey have decisively shaped my passion for increasing educational opportunities for students in hardship.” Renée was the only student at her school to achieve 10 A*s at GCSE and the first from that school to be admitted to Oxford, with a Moritz-Heyman scholarship enabling her to meet the costs of a degree.  She is the first generation in her family to attend university.  Renée intends to tackle the double-bind of low income and reduced access to human capital, seeking to resource parents and guardians in supporting their children.A summer as a strategy consultant with Project Rousseau in New York increased Renée’s awareness that educational inequality is both an urgent local and an international problem.  The international and entrepreneurial vision of the IEP degree at Harvard is grounded in practical application.  It will equip her to push for changes in policy.

Ife Kubler-Agyemang  23
Harvard Law School LLM
Ife’s desire to become a barrister with a human rights practice is shaped by her determination to represent those left voiceless before the court. She grew up in a deprived London borough and through joining Newham Swords Fencing Club she recognised a stark difference in outlook and opportunities between children in her community and those she competed against. Ranked British under 18 Champion (2010) she competed internationally for GB for 5 years. Whilst at the University of Bristol, Ife resurrected the Research for Legal Change Forum to review the impact academic research can have in reshaping unjust areas of law. Her dissertation, ‘Honey, we shrunk the disability concept’, arose from pioneering work as a student advocate successfully representing 6 clients with disabilities in social security appeal tribunals.  The LLM will enable Ife to return to the UK with a practical and comparative understanding of civil liberties and human rights protection.

Beth Kume-Holland 23
Harvard GSAS Special Student
Beth will be affiliating with the Department of African American Studies’ Social Engagement Initiative alongside studying filmmaking, hip-hop, policy and the changing depictions of issues of race relations and social justice in our shifting media landscape. She is both a writer and aspiring filmmaker, looking forward to screenwriting and producing in Harvard’s Department of Visual Studies. Since graduating from Oxford, Beth has worked in the film industry and as a researcher both for the University’s History Faculty and Citibank’s ‘Global Perspectives and Solutions’ series. Beth has also graduated from Sutton Trust and LSE’s Pathways to Law Programme, McKinsey’s National Leadership Academy and received nationwide community awards. She is heavily involved with access work and last year co-ordinated and ran the Oxford UNIQ ‘Race and Protest’ summer school, the same access programme for students from less-privileged backgrounds that she herself attended, aged 17.

Tsiona Lida 24
Harvard GSAS Special Student
Tsiona is a historian with an interest in the use and abuse of emotion in personal and national narratives – the ‘dark matter’ of history. As an undergraduate at Edinburgh, an Erasmus grant took her to Berlin, where the History of Emotions prompted thinking beyond traditional historical categories. Her studies there culminated in a research paper for a Max Planck Institute summer school. Tsiona developed research from an internship with NGO Zochrot in Tel Aviv into her dissertation on emotion, narrative and the Israel-Palestine land dispute. She was awarded the departmental prize as the most distinguished graduate in History. Her year at Harvard follows an MSc by Research and a thesis on the role of emotions in Hannah Arendt’s writing on Israel, which drew on political theory and philosophy. In anticipation of future doctoral study, Tsiona will take full advantage and range from pure ‘history’ courses to Middle Eastern Studies and the interfaculty Mind/Brain/Behaviour seminars.

Aniruddh Raghu 22
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Doctoral programme MIT
Aniruddh won a bronze medal representing the UK at the International Physics Olympiad in 2014 and has been in receipt of 2 competitive scholarships whilst completing his Engineering degree at Cambridge, one from the IET and one from BP. He will work with Prof. Dina Katabi's group at MIT CSAIL, at the intersection of Machine Learning and health sensing. Aniruddh hopes to collaborate with clinicians during his PhD and for his research work to help improve the quality of patient monitoring and care. After his doctorate, Aniruddh expects to work in industrial research. Outside of academia, Aniruddh is a trained Indian Classical violinist with 12 years of experience. He also works to promote student engagement with community-focussed IT projects. Aniruddh will be funded by MIT and enjoy the additional benefits arising from being within the Kennedy Scholar group.

Dr Vatshalan Santhirapala 29
Harvard School of Public Health MPH
Vatshalan graduated from Imperial College and is currently training in Anaesthesiology in London. In 2015, he was elected to the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK).  He has a notable background in clinical research for which he has won numerous prizes, published articles and presented internationally. Vatshalan's main passion lies in Global Surgery: the delivery of safe, affordable surgical care in low and middle income countries. In addition to his MPH, he has been selected as the first anaesthesiologist to be awarded the Paul Farmer Fellowship in Global Surgery. Vatshalan is also a fellow of the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research and is currently creating an open access course on Global Surgery to raise awareness and advocate for health policy change. Vatshalan is most looking forward to immersing himself in global healthcare research and the opportunity to be mentored by world-leading clinicians in his chosen field.

Sam Sherman 25
Harvard Kennedy School MPP
Sam has pursued his interest in international affairs since first taking part in a humanitarian mission to Northern Kenya during the 2011 East Africa Crisis. At Cambridge he studied Politics with a focus on conflicts and peacebuilding, graduating with Double First Class Honours. He then joined the International division of the Civil Service Fast Stream, undertaking posts in DFID’s Middle East and North Africa Department, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and elsewhere within the UK Government. Sam has worked with the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to test how drones could be used to address humanitarian challenges, for instance by delivering critical medical aid following sudden-onset emergencies. He also worked for the UN WFP in Iraq. At the Kennedy School of Government he will have the opportunity to examine the political economy of his field, as well as applications of emerging technologies.

Danielle Worden 23
Harvard GSAS Special Student
Having graduated first in her year from UCL Laws, Danielle has decided to dedicate her career to fighting human trafficking.  Her dissertation, ‘Sex Trafficking: Towards a Human Rights Paradigm’ received the UCL Law Faculty Research Prize and was published in the International Journal of Human Rights in 2018. It critiqued the use of international criminal law to tackle human trafficking and proposed an alternative framework informed by human rights law. However, as human trafficking is a multifaceted issue, Danielle will adopt an interdisciplinary approach to her Harvard studies through courses ranging from those taught by globally-renowned trafficking specialist Siddharth Kara at the Kennedy School to ‘International Human Rights Advocacy’ at Harvard Law School.  Despite receiving three training contract offers, Danielle will apply for pupillage next year as she believes a career at the bar offers the best platform from which to utilise the law to combat human trafficking.


Laura Heath博士 27
劳拉目前是初级保健的学术临床研究员,对行为医学特别感兴趣:生活方式的选择和人口健康的交叉问题。劳拉在剑桥大学和牛津大学学习医学,此前她在莱斯特郡当地的公立学校的学术生涯非常成功。劳拉积极寻找机会,在牛津大学与妇女健康和性健康的研究小组合作,然后到牛津大学参加学术基础课程。在这里,她参与了Cochrane烟草成瘾小组的项目,并参与了初级保健中减肥干预的临床试验。  她很高兴有机会在哈佛大学弗里德曼营养科学与政策学院学习一段时间。公共卫生硕士还将赋予她流行病学和公共卫生实践科学方面的技能,这将使她在临床实践的同时继续研究。劳拉还热衷于跑步,并期待着探索波士顿的山路。

罗纳克-詹恩 23
经济学博士项目 哈佛GSAS
罗纳克的目标是成为一名学术发展经济学家。 她希望能与哈佛大学发展中社会的盖茨教授迈克尔-克雷默一起工作。 罗纳克从A级开始从事研究项目,在剑桥大学获得了经济学一等奖,并在牛津大学硕士第一年排名第一,她的论文在理论建模和结构计量经济学估计方面都有突破性进展。在获得学位的同时,罗纳克继续在发展研究项目中获得经验--在DfiD、牛津政策管理部门和新德里的公民社会中心,在那里的教育研究导致了她的硕士论文。在剑桥大学,罗纳克被选为丘吉尔学院下一代领导人发展项目的赞助人。她的本科论文在经济学本科生奖中获得欧洲地区冠军。罗纳克的GCSE考试是在一所超过20%有资格获得免费学校餐的学校进行的。

雷妮-卡普库 21
Renée写道:"作为一个在哈林盖工人家庭长大的非洲黑人,我的经历决定性地塑造了我对增加困难学生教育机会的热情"。蕾妮是她所在学校唯一在GCSE考试中取得10个A*的学生,也是该校第一个被牛津大学录取的学生,莫里茨-海曼奖学金使她能够支付学位的费用。 她是其家族中第一代进入大学的人。 Renée打算解决低收入和人力资本减少的双重束缚,寻求为父母和监护人提供资源,支持他们的孩子。 哈佛大学国际教育项目学位的国际和企业愿景是以实际应用为基础的。 这将使她有能力推动政策的改变。

Ife Kubler-Agyemang 23岁
Ife希望成为一名从事人权事务的大律师,这是因为她决心在法庭上代表那些没有发言权的人。她在伦敦的一个贫困区长大,通过加入纽汉姆剑术俱乐部,她认识到她所在社区的孩子和她的对手之间在前景和机会方面存在着明显的差异。她是英国18岁以下的冠军(2010年),在国际上代表英国参加了5年的比赛。在布里斯托尔大学期间,伊菲恢复了 "法律变革研究论坛",以审查学术研究在重塑不公正的法律领域方面所能产生的影响。她的论文 "亲爱的,我们缩小了残疾的概念",源于她作为学生辩护人在社会保障上诉法庭上成功代表6名残疾客户的开创性工作。 法学硕士将使Ife能够带着对公民自由和人权保护的实际和比较的理解回到英国。

Beth Kume-Holland 23岁
贝丝将加入非裔美国人研究系的社会参与倡议,同时研究电影制作、嘻哈、政策以及在我们不断变化的媒体环境中对种族关系和社会正义问题的描述。她既是一个作家,也是一个有抱负的电影人,期待着在哈佛大学视觉研究系进行编剧和制作。从牛津大学毕业后,贝丝在电影业工作,并在大学的历史系和花旗银行的 "全球视角和解决方案 "系列中担任研究员。贝丝还毕业于萨顿信托和伦敦经济学院的 "法律之路 "项目、麦肯锡的国家领导力学院,并获得了全国性的社区奖项。她积极参与准入工作,并在去年协调和管理牛津大学UNIQ "种族与抗议 "暑期班,这与她本人在17岁时参加的为来自贫困背景的学生提供的准入课程相同。

Tsiona Lida 24
Tsiona是一位历史学家,对个人和国家叙事中情感的使用和滥用感兴趣--历史的 "暗物质"。在爱丁堡大学读本科时,伊拉斯谟奖学金把她带到了柏林,那里的 "情感史 "促使她进行超越传统历史范畴的思考。她在那里的研究最终为马克斯-普朗克研究所的暑期学校写了一篇研究论文。Tsiona在特拉维夫非政府组织Zochrot的实习中,将其研究发展为关于情感、叙述和以色列-巴勒斯坦土地争端的论文。她被授予系里的历史学最杰出毕业生奖。她在哈佛大学的一年是在获得研究硕士学位后进行的,她的论文是关于情感在汉娜-阿伦特关于以色列的写作中的作用,该论文借鉴了政治理论和哲学。考虑到未来的博士研究,Tsiona将充分利用和范围从纯 "历史 "课程到中东研究和院际心智/大脑/行为研讨会。

Aniruddh Raghu 22
Aniruddh在2014年代表英国参加国际物理奥林匹克竞赛获得铜牌,在剑桥大学完成工程学位时,他获得了两项竞争性奖学金,一项来自IET,另一项来自BP。他将与麻省理工学院CSAIL的Dina Katabi教授小组合作,研究机器学习和健康感应的交叉点。Aniruddh希望在他的博士期间与临床医生合作,并希望他的研究工作能够帮助改善病人的监测和护理质量。博士毕业后,Aniruddh希望能从事工业研究工作。在学术界之外,Aniruddh是一名训练有素的印度古典小提琴手,拥有12年的经验。他还致力于促进学生参与以社区为重点的IT项目。Aniruddh将得到麻省理工学院的资助,并享受在肯尼迪学者小组中产生的额外好处。

Vatshalan Santhirapala博士 29
瓦特沙兰毕业于帝国学院,目前在伦敦接受麻醉学培训。2015年,他被选为英国皇家内科医学院成员。 他在临床研究方面有显著的背景,为此他获得了许多奖项,发表了许多文章,并在国际上进行了演讲。瓦特沙兰的主要热情在于全球外科:在低收入和中等收入国家提供安全、可负担的外科护理。除了MPH之外,他还被选为第一位被授予全球外科保罗-法默奖学金的麻醉师。瓦特沙兰还是日内瓦医学教育和研究基金会的研究员,目前正在创建一个关于全球外科的开放课程,以提高人们的认识并倡导卫生政策的改变。瓦特沙兰最期待的是沉浸在全球医疗保健研究中,并有机会得到他所选择的领域中世界领先的临床医生的指导。

萨姆-谢尔曼 25

Danielle Worden 23
丹妮尔以第一名的成绩毕业于伦敦大学法律系,她决定将自己的职业生涯献给打击人口贩运。 她的论文 "Sex Trafficking: Towards a Human Rights Paradigm "获得了UCL法律学院研究奖,并在2018年的《国际人权杂志》上发表。它批评了使用国际刑法来解决人口贩运问题,并提出了一个由人权法提供的替代框架。然而,由于人口贩运是一个多方面的问题,丹妮尔将采取跨学科的方法,通过从全球知名的人口贩运专家西达斯-卡拉在肯尼迪学院讲授的课程到哈佛法学院的 "国际人权宣传 "等课程,在哈佛学习。 尽管收到了三份培训合同,但丹妮尔将在明年申请实习,因为她相信在律师界的职业生涯提供了最好的平台,可以利用法律来打击人口贩运。
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