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Kennedy Scholars 2012
Jack-BelloliGiacomo (Jack) Belloli  21  

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Jack intends to research modern and contemporary literature, and is particularly interested in the influence of religious ideas and theories of language acquisition on modernist texts. He is hoping to take courses in theology and linguistics as a special student, and to use the time to consider whether a comparative literature programme would be more appropriate: while studying English at Cambridge, Jack has also read French and Italian literature and he welcomes the opportunity to study German again at Harvard.   Jack is a qualified EFL teacher and a recruitment assistant for ARC UK, an international charity which gives young people the chance to volunteer as guides in cathedrals across Europe.  He has also served as his college’s elected Access Officer and is keen to learn from the US system with regard to the encouragement of university applicants. Jack writes poetry and drama, and recently published a chapbook, not being angelic, as part of the Cambridge-based Wide Range.

Isabel-BuchananIsabel Buchanan  24

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Isabel is a qualified lawyer with an LLB and an MPhil in Law from the University of Glasgow.   She has a particular interest in death-penalty defence work in Pakistan and will return from Lahore in order to attend Harvard.  Employed as a fellow of the British charity Reprieve, which assists UK nationals on death row, she has been working with a local legal charity in Lahore.  Her work there included writing a manual instructing lawyers how to litigate on instances of torture as well as ongoing case work on behalf of clients on death row in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.  Previously, she worked with Reprieve in London on the cases of British Pakistanis imprisoned in Pakistan.  A year as a special student will give Isabel opportunities to study the history and culture of South Asia and to improve her language skills; it will also provide her with a richer understanding of how Pakistan relates both to the US and to the UK and she particularly welcomes Harvard’s South Asia Initiative.  Afterwards, she will train as a barrister.

Jujhar-DhandaJujhar Dhanda  26

LLM, Harvard Law School

Jujhar left his high-school in Paisley, Scotland aged 16 with no qualifications.   He subsequently enrolled at what is now the City of Glasgow College (formerly the Central College of Commerce) and completed two access courses (including a HND programme). He then read for the LL.B. at the University of Glasgow, during which he received the Universitas-21 Scholarship to read law at the University of Hong Kong. Upon graduating in 2009 he entered the U.K. Civil Service (Fast Stream), where he helped amend the Children’s Hearing (Scotland) Bill at the Directorate General for Education before joining the Justice and Communities Directorate. Jujhar then enrolled at Oxford University for a Masters, where he wrote his thesis on Britain’s welfare regime and its relationship with British parental rights legislation. With the proposed referendum on Scottish independence in 2014, he welcomes the opportunities to study constitutional law at Harvard, alongside labour rights, and also the chance to cross-register at other schools.  Jujhar has broad experience as a volunteer.

Isabella-HammadIsabella Hammad  21

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Isabella has just completed an English degree at Oxford and finds herself torn between graduate research in literature and the study of public policy and international relations, particularly with regard to the Middle East.  She therefore welcomes the breadth of opportunity given by a year as a special student and expects to find common ground between her literary-critical work and her political and policy studies.   Isabella is half Palestinian, with a great-grandfather who was one of the first in his community to be educated in Europe.  In addition to learning Arabic, she herself looks forward to a rich cross-cultural experience whilst at Harvard which will enable her better to communicate across socio-political divides. A member of the National Youth Theatre, who has wide experience as an actress in university productions in Oxford and at the Edinburgh Fringe, Isabella is also a writer, with several poems published in online magazines.

Edward-HicksEdward Hicks  21  

AM Regional Studies: Russia, Ern Europe & C Asia, Harvard GSAS

Edward has been reading Russian and Czech with Slovak at Oxford;  having studied Russian literature he now wants to examine Russian politics and is attracted by the comparative breadth of American expertise and experience of Russia, plus the cross-registration opportunities at Harvard along with the opportunity to add to his already considerable linguistic range. Questions concerning Russia’s foreign policy and geopolitics particularly attract and challenge Edward, who wishes to explore the effects of the melting ice in the Arctic upon Russia and to examine Russia’s role in the politics of Central Asia and the Middle East. Edward has been an Officer Cadet in the British army and is a keen endurance sportsman.   He has also curated a small collection of Chinese porcelain, having a strong interest in oriental and western European art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Matt-LoweMatt Lowe  23

Economics Doctoral Programme, MIT

Matt’s research is in development economics, motivated especially by persistent poverty in Africa and the puzzles provided by stagnant economies and failed states. He has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and also within the Strategy, Policy & Review Department at the IMF. Earlier work with the Institute for Fiscal Studies galvanised his view that it is empirical work geared towards understanding welfare impacts on the poor that matters. He aims now to research the macro processes by which economies develop, and welcomes the large-scale empirical research projects undertaken at MIT. Matt’s goal is to uncover true and non-trivial empirical insights that might inform and improve policy. He looks forward to being involved in a church in the US and to improving his Mandarin Chinese.

Adina-Roth-colourAdina Roth  24

Special Student, MIT

Adina studied Product Design Engineering at the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art. She has a particular interest in the intersection of engineering, product design and digital media with the user at the centre of the design engineering process. Adina has worked on a range of design challenges with her most recent being prosthetic limbs for young people, designed in conjunction with users and addressing the ways in which our limbs are used to interact with the world around us. At MIT, Adina intends to broaden her understanding of biomedical engineering, and of digital and interactive design. In particular, she is keen to develop her expertise in rapid manufacturing and the integration of multiple disciplines into the product design process. She welcomes the chance to work in the Mobile Experience Lab and also to engage in the wider Boston-Cambridge design engineering community.

Felix-WardleFelix Wardle  25

LLM, Harvard Law School

Felix was the first of his family to go to University after he gained the highest A-level grades ever achieved at his local comprehensive school. He went on to read jurisprudence at Oxford, where he was awarded a number of scholarships and awards.

As well as looking forward to studying constitutional and human rights law at Harvard, Felix is also excited about becoming involved in practical projects.  He has previously worked as a volunteer at Amnesty International and as a researcher for the Constitution Society. On his return from America, he hopes to become a barrister with a focus on public law and civil liberties.

Tom-LoveringTom Lovering  22

Mathematics Doctoral Programme, Harvard GSAS

Whilst Tom loves his own study of mathematics, he is also equally motivated by collaborative work and by mentoring and enabling others.   Having been inspired by the British (and International) Mathematical Olympiad, he now volunteers for them, selecting the problems sent by the UK to international competitions and setting problems for students training for international mathematics competitions.  In addition, Tom conducted his college orchestra for 3 years and is a choral singer, a guitarist and a pianist.   He has also rowed competitively.

Jack-BelloliGiacomo (Jack) Belloli 21  


杰克打算研究现代和当代文学,并对宗教思想和语言习得理论对现代主义文本的影响特别感兴趣。他希望以特别学生的身份选修神学和语言学课程,并利用这段时间考虑比较文学课程是否更合适:在剑桥学习英语的同时,杰克也阅读了法国和意大利文学,他欢迎有机会在哈佛再次学习德语。  杰克是一名合格的EFL教师,也是ARC UK的招聘助理,ARC UK是一家国际慈善机构,为年轻人提供在欧洲各大教堂当导游的机会。 他还曾担任过他所在学院的当选准入官员,并热衷于学习美国系统在鼓励大学申请人方面的做法。杰克写诗和戏剧,最近出版了一本小册子《不是天使》,作为剑桥的Wide Range的一部分。



伊莎贝尔是一名合格的律师,拥有格拉斯哥大学的法学学士学位和法学硕士学位。  她对巴基斯坦的死刑辩护工作特别感兴趣,并将从拉合尔返回,以便在哈佛大学学习。 她被聘为英国慈善机构Reprieve的研究员,该机构协助英国的死刑犯,她一直在拉合尔与当地的一个法律慈善机构合作。 她在那里的工作包括编写一本指导律师如何就酷刑事件进行诉讼的手册,以及代表卡拉奇、拉合尔和伊斯兰堡的死囚牢房的持续案件工作。 在此之前,她曾在伦敦的Reprieve工作,处理在巴基斯坦被监禁的英国巴基斯坦人的案件。 作为特殊学生的一年将使伊莎贝尔有机会研究南亚的历史和文化,并提高她的语言能力;这也将使她对巴基斯坦与美国和英国的关系有更丰富的了解,她特别欢迎哈佛的南亚倡议。 之后,她将接受大律师培训。



Jujhar在16岁时离开了他在苏格兰佩斯利的高中,没有任何学历。  他随后进入现在的格拉斯哥市学院(前身为中央商业学院)学习,并完成了两个准入课程(包括一个HND课程)。然后他在格拉斯哥大学攻读法学学士学位,期间他获得了Universitas-21奖学金,在香港大学攻读法律。2009年毕业后,他进入英国公务员系统(快速流),在加入司法和社区局之前,他在教育总局帮助修订《儿童听证会(苏格兰)法案》。随后,朱杰尔进入牛津大学攻读硕士学位,他在那里写下了关于英国福利制度及其与英国父母权利立法关系的论文。随着2014年苏格兰独立公投的提议,他欢迎有机会在哈佛大学学习宪法,同时学习劳工权利,也有机会在其他学校交叉注册。 Jujhar拥有广泛的志愿者经验。

Isabella-HammadIsabella Hammad 21


伊莎贝拉刚刚在牛津大学完成了英语学位,她发现自己在文学的研究生研究和公共政策及国际关系的研究之间纠结,特别是在中东问题上。 因此,她欢迎作为特殊学生的一年所带来的广泛机会,并期望在她的文学批评工作和政治及政策研究之间找到共同点。  伊莎贝拉有一半的巴勒斯坦血统,她的曾祖父是其社区中最早在欧洲接受教育的人之一。 除了学习阿拉伯语,她自己也期待着在哈佛大学期间获得丰富的跨文化经验,这将使她能够更好地跨越社会政治鸿沟进行交流。伊莎贝拉是国家青年剧院的成员,在牛津大学和爱丁堡艺穗节的演出中拥有广泛的经验,她也是一名作家,在网络杂志上发表过几首诗。

爱德华-希克斯Edward Hicks 21  


爱德华在牛津大学读的是俄语、捷克语和斯洛伐克语;在学习了俄罗斯文学之后,他现在想研究俄罗斯政治,并被美国在俄罗斯的专业知识和经验的比较广度所吸引,加上哈佛大学的交叉注册机会,以及增加他已经相当大的语言范围的机会。有关俄罗斯外交政策和地缘政治的问题尤其吸引和挑战爱德华,他希望探讨北极地区冰雪融化对俄罗斯的影响,并研究俄罗斯在中亚和中东政治中的作用。爱德华曾是英国军队的一名军官学员,并热衷于耐力运动。  他还策划了一个小型的中国瓷器收藏,对19世纪末和20世纪初的东方和西欧艺术有着浓厚的兴趣。




Adina-Roth-colourAdina Roth 24






除了期待在哈佛学习宪法和人权法外,Felix还对参与实践项目感到兴奋。 他曾在国际特赦组织担任志愿者,并在宪法协会担任研究员。从美国回来后,他希望成为一名大律师,重点研究公法和公民自由。

Tom-LoveringTom Lovering 22


虽然汤姆喜欢自己的数学研究,但他也同样喜欢合作工作,喜欢指导和帮助别人。  由于受到英国(和国际)数学奥林匹克竞赛的启发,他现在是他们的志愿者,负责选择英国送往国际竞赛的问题,并为参加国际数学竞赛培训的学生设置问题。 此外,汤姆还在大学里指挥了3年的管弦乐队,并且是一名合唱歌手、吉他手和钢琴家。  他还参加过赛艇比赛。
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