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Kennedy Scholars 2011
Samuel Cohen 24

Visiting Fellow, Harvard GSAS & SEAS

Sam is interested in the overlap between Physics and the Life Sciences.   He is currently mid-PhD at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Professor Chris Dobson.  The group’s expertise and methodology spans chemistry, genetics, medicine, engineering and physics, with the overall aim being to develop quantitative approaches to defining normal and aberrant protein homeostasis. Sam is working towards a better understanding of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases and the prion disorders, including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In particular, Sam has worked on developing a framework for identifying the molecular mechanisms that drive aberrant protein aggregation, which is a crucial process in the pathogenesis of these disorders. Sam will be working with Professor L. Mahadevan whose own work spans Applied Mathematics and the Life Sciences. Away from academia, Sam’s interest in climate change and energy policy led to his representing the UK as a Global Leader at the Institute of International Education in New York in 2008.

Mahiben Maruthappu 23

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Having read Medical Sciences at Cambridge, Mahiben is now completing his medical degree at Oxford. His aim is to transform healthcare by blending academia, policy, clinical practice and technology. He is consequently embarking on the Special Student programme, which provides a unique degree of flexibility in which to pursue these different interests. Mahiben will be taking courses in public health, economics and entrepreneurship, while conducting data-driven research at Harvard's Medical and Business schools. He is a passionate innovator, launching several initiatives ranging from the UK Medical Students' Association (UKMSA) to organisations supporting the training of doctors in resource-limited countries.

F Junaid Mubeen 26
Ed M, International Education Policy, Harvard School of Education

Junaid was the first student in the history of his school to study Mathematics at Oxford.   Now that he has completed his Doctorate, he wishes to enter the debate about mathematics education policy, seeing the crucial role maths has to play in scientific and technological innovation, economic development and as an absolute language for cross-cultural communication. Junaid has developed his own communication skills and sees this as a major need within his subject, as it seeks to protect its identity and preserve its role.   He has also worked extensively in educational access schemes and is keen to bring issues of equity and social justice to the forefront of the education policy discourse. He has recently developed an interest in marathon-running, competing in Paris this year.

web-OlayinkaDosekunOlayinka Dosekun 24

M Arch, Harvard School of Design

Olayinka read Classics at Oxford and then worked as an investment analyst. She now wants to move from being an observer in her family’s building and construction firm to train as an architect, intending to find contemporary interpretations of African vernacular architecture and to reinterpret traditional styles and materials for a modern city, with particular reference to sustainability and with Lagos as her longer-term focus. She is looking forward to the opportunity this programme provides for students from non-architectural backgrounds.

web-PatrickJohnsonPatrick Johnson 26

Masters in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

A linguist who has travelled widely, Patrick read European Social and Political Studies at UCL during which time he spent a year in Naples.   Moving to Damascus to improve his Arabic he has been working as a consultant in the resettlement unit of UNHCR for the past fifteen months, as well as a stint working as an Arabic-language media monitor for the FCO in Beirut.  His additional experience as a speech-writer within the EU gave Patrick an interest in emerging economic spheres and the ‘soft’ political influence of their trading relationships.   He welcomes the opportunity to bring his varied experiences to bear whilst the MPP enables him to face the challenges of contemporary international policymaking and hopes eventually to return to the EU as a policymaker in the Directorate of External Relations.

web-OliverKerrOliver Kerr 23

AM Regional Studies, E Asia, Harvard GSAS

Originally drawn to learning the Chinese language, Oliver now has a much broader interest in the history, culture and politics of the Chinese nation.  A research project on the effects of tourism in Yunnan province has left him keen to exploit the breadth of the Regional Studies East Asia course with its opportunity to pursue individual research alongside the perfecting of his language skills and knowledge of contemporary China.   Oliver also expects to cross-register with the Kennedy School and the Business School, being interested in the environmental issues arising from China’s economic growth. Outside of the classroom, he is a karate black belt and a journalist.

web-DanielSusskindDaniel Susskind 23

Special Student, Harvard GSAS

Daniel read Economics and Management at Oxford and has since worked as a policy adviser to the Prime Minister, first at the Strategy Unit and then in the No 10 Policy Unit.  At Harvard he intends to explore social and individual psychology, develop his understanding of philosophy and mathematics, and broaden his experience of both practical and theoretical policymaking. Daniel is an accomplished public-speaker, an enthusiastic sportsman - golf, rugby, running and snowboarding - and (was once) a semi-professional magician.

Samuel Cohen 24


Sam对物理学和生命科学之间的重叠感兴趣。  他目前在剑桥大学攻读博士中期,师从Chris Dobson教授。 该小组的专业知识和方法跨越了化学、遗传学、医学、工程学和物理学,总体目标是开发定量的方法来定义正常和异常的蛋白质平衡状态。萨姆正致力于更好地了解阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏症以及朊病毒疾病,包括克雅氏病。特别是,萨姆致力于开发一个框架,以确定驱动异常蛋白质聚集的分子机制,这是这些疾病发病机制的一个关键过程。萨姆将与L. Mahadevan教授一起工作,他自己的工作横跨应用数学和生命科学。在学术界之外,萨姆对气候变化和能源政策的兴趣使他在2008年代表英国参加了在纽约举行的国际教育学会的全球领袖会议。

马赫本-马鲁塔普 23



F 朱奈德-穆贝恩 26

朱奈德是他学校历史上第一个在牛津大学学习数学的学生。  现在他已经完成了博士学位,他希望进入有关数学教育政策的辩论,看到数学在科技创新、经济发展中的关键作用,以及作为跨文化交流的一种绝对语言。朱奈德已经发展了自己的沟通技巧,并认为这是他的学科内的主要需求,因为它寻求保护其身份和维护其作用。  他还在教育普及计划方面进行了广泛的工作,并热衷于将公平和社会正义的问题带到教育政策讨论的前沿。他最近对马拉松赛事产生了兴趣,今年参加了巴黎的比赛。

web-OlayinkaDosekunOlayinka Dosekun 24岁



网络-帕特里克-约翰逊Patrick Johnson 26岁


帕特里克是一位游历广泛的语言学家,他在伦敦大学学习欧洲社会和政治研究,在此期间他在那不勒斯呆了一年。  为了提高自己的阿拉伯语水平,他在过去的15个月里一直在联合国难民署的重新安置部门担任顾问,还曾在贝鲁特的外交部担任阿拉伯语媒体监督员。 他在欧盟内部担任演讲稿撰写人的经历使帕特里克对新兴经济领域及其贸易关系的 "软 "政治影响产生了兴趣。  他很高兴有机会将他的各种经验发挥出来,同时MPP使他能够面对当代国际政策制定的挑战,并希望最终能够回到欧盟,成为对外关系局的一名政策制定者。

web-OliverKerrOliver Kerr 23岁


奥利弗最初是被学习中文所吸引,现在他对中华民族的历史、文化和政治有了更广泛的兴趣。 一个关于云南省旅游业影响的研究项目让他热衷于利用东亚区域研究课程的广度,在完善语言技能和当代中国知识的同时进行个人研究。  奥利弗还希望在肯尼迪学院和商学院交叉注册,因为他对中国经济增长带来的环境问题感兴趣。在课堂之外,他是一名空手道黑带和一名记者。

web-DanielSusskindDaniel Susskind 23


丹尼尔在牛津大学读经济学和管理学,此后曾担任首相的政策顾问,先是在战略部,然后在10号政策部工作。 在哈佛,他打算探索社会和个人心理学,发展他对哲学和数学的理解,并扩大他在实际和理论政策制定方面的经验。丹尼尔是一位出色的公共演讲者,热衷于体育运动--高尔夫、橄榄球、跑步和滑雪--并且(曾经)是一位半职业的魔术师。
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